August 29

Trump’s Energy Plan: End Energy Poverty



Daily Standup Top Stories

Ukraine Strikes 2 More Oil Depots Deep Into Russian Territory

The Ukrainian military claimed on Wednesday to have downed a Russian fighter jet over eastern Ukraine as Russia stepped up retaliation in Ukraine’s occupied eastern region shortly after Kyiv set another Russian oil depot on […]

What’s Good For Generac Is Bad For America. We Bought One Anyway

If you are in the business of selling standby home generators, hurricanes, severe weather, and blackouts are good for business. And as the frequency of blackouts across the country increases, companies like Generac are making […]

How Trump Can Win On Energy: Zero Energy Poverty

Kamala Harris and her new running mate, Tim Walz, will impoverish America. That’s the best way to understand one of their most important – yet least-known – policy pipe dreams. As vice president, Harris has backed so-called […]

Why Trump Would Be Better For The Climate Than Kamala

Former President Trump has shown that dominating energy and decreasing emissions aren’t mutually exclusive. Many progressives highlight the stakes of this election for climate change, arguing that one major presidential candidate’s agenda is better on […]

Prime Minister vows to fix energy crisis

The Prime Minister addressed the nation, outlining the government’s priorities to rebuild and stabilise the country’s foundations. In his speech, he emphasised the need for economic growth, particularly through wealth creation and the establishment of […]

Libya Power Struggle Spikes Oil Prices

An attempt to replace the central bank governor led to a shutdown of eastern Libyan oil fields. Libyan Central Bank Dispute Shuts Down Oil Production Global oil prices jumped more than 7 percent Monday amid […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

01:29 – Ukraine Strikes 2 More Oil Depots Deep Into Russian Territory

02:45 – What’s Good For Generac Is Bad For America. We Bought One Anyway

06:44 – How Trump Can Win On Energy: Zero Energy Poverty

08:58 – Why Trump Would Be Better For The Climate Than Kamala

12:09 – Prime Minister vows to fix energy crisis

13:48 – Libya Power Struggle Spikes Oil Prices

15:49 – Outro

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Stuart Turley: [00:00:10] Hello, everybody. Welcome to Energy News. Meet daily stand up. My name’s Tina Turner. The presidency of the sandstone Group. Today is August 29th. We’ve got a crazy list of stories today. Michael is out running around in customer offices. Let’s go to Ukraine. Strike two more oil depots deep in Russian territory. Geez, what’s good for Generac is bad for America. We bought one anyway. This is from Robert Bryce. I absolutely love Robert Bryce. You’ve got to follow him on his Substack. It’ll be in the show notes and he’s got some stats and some figures. Love, Robert Bryce, good friend of the show. How Trump can win on zero energy zero energy poverty. What a great article. This is followed up with another Trump story. Why Trump would be better for the climate than Kamala. Got an X Group joke on this one waiting to happen. Prime Minister vows to fix energy crisis. Holy smokes, the UK is in trouble. Leave now Libya power struggle spikes oil prices. I’ll tell you what, that whole thing is just really sad. [00:01:29][79.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:29] But let’s start off with Ukraine. Ukraine strikes two more oil depots deep in the Russian territory. This whole war makes me airsick. When Biden told Zelensky, according to the press, those that are out there and forced him to have Boris Yeltsin tear up a signed peace treaty two years ago, this absolutely makes me airsick that we’re even having this conversation. Ukraine attacked the Zenit oil depot, which houses oil Products reservoir over 700 miles away in the Kirov. Kiev ties both depots to Moscow’s military and complex. We are really on the edge of World War three, and we do not need to be poking the bear. We need to be ending this war. This is absolutely ludicrous in Ukraine’s Donbass region. Russia is intensifying its offensive, with a key post describing Ukrainian forces on this outgunned and outnumbered Zelensky, this is on you and this is on Biden. You guys should have knocked this crap off several years ago and saved a lot of Ukrainian lives. [00:02:44][75.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:02:45] Hey, let’s rumble on to the next story here. What’s good for generac is bad for America. We bought one anyway. Robert Stack is just a great energy expert and thought leader. Generac, if you’re not aware, is a fantastic brand for natural gas generators to plug in for failover, either immediate failover or manual. And given that Generac is profiting from people like me, this is directly out of the article. Back in 2021, during Winter Storm Uri, we lost power for two days. At that time I thought, This is Robert speaking. Texas Grid would recover and all would return to normal. That hasn’t happened over the last 12 months. We’ve lost power at our house in central Austin three times, and in each instance the outage lasted eight hours or more. Plus, Ercot has repeatedly warned about looming power shortages. Here’s why they’re doing the best they can. But when you flood a grid again, I say this all the time. The grid is nondiscriminatory when it comes to whether or not the rules that it applies, it applies by physics and fiscal responsibility in order to keep low energy prices there. He’s installed a Generac whole house and a standby generator. It was about $15,000 for a 22 kilowatt gas fired, air cooled system that’ll automatically turn on when the lights go out. Current Power Technologies is in San Antonio. Pretty cool. But here’s what’s really concerning is the number of grid outages that are coming across the U.S. are significantly being more and more forecasted because of the balance of the grid. [00:04:41][115.7]

[00:04:41] We’ve been told that we need to double the grid in the next. In Texas alone in the next five years took 100 years to get here. This is just incredible. North American Electric Reliability Corporation has labeled significant portions of the United States and Canada as being a high risk resource for adequacy shortfalls during normal season peak conditions in 2024 through 2028 period. Due to the supply demand dynamics, we believe utilities supply shortfalls related warnings may continue in the future. And we’re I’m hearing that all across the United States. So when you take a look at this. Be prepared because it doesn’t matter if it’s a manmade disaster, if it’s a natural disaster, we have to stand up and defend our families and our neighbors and our friends. And that’s how we all survive together, because the do not plan on the government to be there for you. You shouldn’t you should be there for you and your neighbors. During the debate, David Selby, Senator David Selby, a Republican from Waco, stood on the floor of the Texas Senate and declared that after deregulation, people were able to shop for electricity. If they don’t like the electric provider they got, they can switch. If the price of can of beans goes up $0.10, people can shop somewhere else. Shop to you drop Senator. But electricity ain’t beans. You can’t you? I mean, yes, it’s nice having an open market and yes, I do. Ercot is having some problems. But I tell you what, I would rather have an Ercot type system, and then I would be part of the rest of the United States grid. I’m not real sure. Whatever it is, my homes, I’ve got multiple power sources and Generac is a good brand, so. But you got to be able to afford it is the sad part. Anyway, shout out to Robert Bryce. It’s Robert Give him a follow and support him there as well too. [00:06:44][123.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:44] Let’s go to the next story here. How Trump can win on energy zero energy poverty. If that was Trump’s tagline, I guarantee you it would resonate. Like just like we have RFK Jr now in the Unity Party saying, hey, let’s get rid of Kim trails. Let’s get rid of the poisons in our food. Let’s get healthy again. Let’s get our grid healthy again. And low cost energy. Kamala Harris, her new running mate Tim Walz will impoverish America. I could not agree more with that statement. The best way to understand is most important the least known policy pipe dreams. As Vice president, Harris backed so-called net zero, which means offsetting every iota in manmade greenhouse gases. Waltz, as governor, has pushed one of the most aggressive net zero policies in America, mandating that no carbon emissions in Minnesota by 2040. Do you know how costly that is and how expensive it is to the consumer, whether or not it’s plant food or not? That is not the issue. We do do not cut pollution. There is a difference between carbon methane and pollution. And we need to cut our footprint as low as we can. And you can do it if you’re fiscally responsible. The way the article writes this, the promise is economic suicide. I have to admit, this is written by Chris Wright. He’s the CEO over there at Liberty Energy. He is a class act. And this was released out on Real Clear Politics. One of the best things Donald Trump can do is promise to replace the Harris Walt’s climate agenda with a real pathway to zero energy poverty. Chris Wright is one of my all time big heroes. He I have had the pleasure of interviewing him several times, once with Bloomberg and Chris Wright. That’ll be in the show notes as well too. He is a rock star. This is an absolutely wonderful article as well too. [00:08:57][132.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:58] Let’s go to the next article here. Why Trump would be better for the climate than Kamala. This one’s kind of funny. I’m his producer. If you could bring this picture up, I ask Grogu. I asked Grogu on X, however you want to phrase that, create a picture of Kamala Harris and President Trump on a debate stage. And this picture actually kind of cracked me up. She almost looks a little bit like Michelle Obama, a cross between a cross-eyed Harris and Michelle Obama. Not sure I got tickled at it. That’s just a straight picture. I thought it was kind of fun, but let’s go through this article. The Democrat supports extreme climate policies. Climate change happens, folks. It it happen. And when geoengineering is involved, like chem trails, just like RFK Jr is asking said he wants to stop. That’s geoengineering. And so when you think, okay, climate change it changes. But let’s get rid of the pollution factor. And that will make all the difference in the world. A common sense approach to energy policy will lead to a stronger and more secure America while cutting carbon emissions. Yay! Vice President Kamala Harris, though, has endorsed the far less worst climate schemes. She was an early co-sponsor of the 93 trillion Green New Deal has called for banning of fracking. She has not come back out and said, oh, she forced fracking, a point blank said. I will allow for fracking and said it. That’s because she had an interview yet. So it says 829 she has not had an interview, so and nobody has asked her about that. American natural gas exports displace higher emitting gas and coal use abroad, reducing global emissions. The fact that the Harris Biden administration has still failing to cancel drilling in Alaska, and also banning the LNG and their filing again, to get this done, it is again, they’re ruining the opportunity for countries to take advantage of great low cost U.S. natural gas. Natural gas is one of the biggest reasons the United States has lowered our CO2 output, and we need to allow other countries to have the same advantage in order to do that. Regulations, not Republicans, are the biggest barrier to deploying clean energy in this country and out competing. China couldn’t agree with that. One more. The U.S. economy, this one on I couldn’t agree with more is three times more carbon efficient than has China. But Americans producers aren’t rewarded. Boy you. That is an understatement. Trump administration should remain China for all of its unfair practices. Tariffs. This is in the Washington Times. A second Trump term that cuts red tape will make America great again. And I do respect President Trump for his drill baby drill. But that’s not the only thing that we’ve got to do. [00:12:09][191.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:12:09] So let’s go to the Prime Minister. Values of the UK vows to fix the energy crisis. This is what you’re going to get if you vote for Kamala and Raul. If you want this vote because the Prime Minister of the UK is absolute, a communist. Keir Starmer outlined several measures, including the establishment of the new energy company Great British Energy, to help reduce bills and create jobs. Not going to happen. Their bills are through the roof. Their energy policies in the UK are abysmal, and that’s why we’re creating a quote unquote cracking down on non-doms. Those who make a mess should have to do their own bit to clean it up. That’s why we’re strengthening the powers of the water regulator and backing up tough fines on water companies that have let sewage sink into our rivers and lakes. They have such a messed up energy system. What is happening is a byproduct of their policies is deindustrialization. The key world of the West is industrializing in Germany, the UK and New York and California. You take a look at those main areas of the West and they are d industrial is a d industrializing because of their poor energy policies. You’ll want to go broke, go work or go green. I’m not sure how or where you want to phrase that,. [00:13:47][97.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:13:48] But anyway, let’s roll to the next story here. Libya power struggle spikes, oil prices. I mean, I’ve never thought that I would be working a news desk for over four years and you sit back and kind of go look at we’ve got the who. These have blown up the tanker. It is now going to be up there around the fifth largest oil spill from a terrorist organization that is out there. We have Libya. Libya’s eastern government stopped all oil production and exports on Monday as it vie it against Tripoli, most rival for control of the central bank and crude oil reserves. Nearly all of the country’s oil fields are in eastern Libya. The Tripoli most Tripoli based government wants to replace the Haftar ally and central bank governor. I apologize for the name sake here, al Kabir, due to the accusations that Kabeer mishandled oil revenues. This is really sad because I don’t think that they’re going to get this fixed in eight months and that’s quite a bit of oil and that is coming off of the market as well. Libya’s share of OPEC production was about 4% in 2023. The majority of its production goes to Europe. This is also a lighter grade of oil. So it is a very important for the refiners over there two months. The Russian Ukraine war, the world struggled to replace the Russian oil and gas. A Libyan oil blockade was announced over demands that Tripoli based quit in favor. Faith face. Again, I apologize for the name. I did go to Oklahoma State, as you can tell on my shirt. Bashagha, the rival prime minister appointed by the eastern government. We’re happy to have the oil not on the global markets, because it would make Russian crude more expensive and would harm Western European customers. So the world is in a different spot right now, and we need leaders in our own government, let alone the rest of the world. [00:15:48][120.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:15:49] So buckle up. Like, subscribe. Share this. Read this to your pets. Also, if you’re an oil trader, I want to give a shout out to those that have reached out to us and go to energy news. Meeko! Forward slash trading desk, reach out to us. We will connect you with the right folks. If you’re looking for jet fuel, you’re looking for LNG, oil, gas, any kind of trading supply or trading assets. Got a great team. We review assets in the oil and gas industry. Thanks. Have an absolutely wonderful day. We’ll talk to you guys soon. [00:15:49][0.0][935.0]

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The post Trump’s Energy Plan: End Energy Poverty appeared first on Energy News Beat.



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