DB Energy Report covers all things energy, including the good, bad and homely. The Energy Absurdity of the Day is one of David's therapy outlets in this energy crisis.

We are thrilled to bring this podcast to the airwaves. We live an age of miss communication, and it is important to hear the truth around energy. Stay tuned, buckle up, and enjoy some great conversations.
David Blackmon at a glance.
David Blackmon is a Energy writer and contributor at Forbes.com and other publications, He also maintains his own Substack platform, Blackmon.Substack.com, where he writes his daily Energy Absurdity of the Day stories, along with other commentaries.
He is also the host and frequent guest on a variety of podcasts and radio programs, including the Three Podcasters Walk Into a Bar Podcast, the Energy Transition Podcast and soon-to-come Five Energy Questions With David Blackmon.
A 40-year veteran of the energy industry, David has 25 years experience in the public policy analysis, management and strategic communications space.
Please follow me on my Substack, LinkedIn, the Energy Transition Podcast, and Twitter feed. It also great to announce that I am part of another podcast group, "Three Podcasters Walk into a Bar". This podcast is similar to the Energy Transition Podcast, but my two cohorts are experts in different areas and have absolutely a sense of humor that is fit for a bar. (clean, of course). Having fun and learning is the best way to help move the energy market out of the current energy crisis.
NAPE Podcast Pavilion with David Blackmon, Stu Turley and Rey Trevino
Let us help you get your story out! Our podcasts are over 1 Million Downloads, 4 Million News Article Impressions in 2023. We are in over 115 countries and thousands of hours of video watched.
David Blackmon's DB Energy Advisors has it's own flare, and executives love the exposure. Fill out the inquiry form HERE and see if your executive has what it takes to visit with Rey.
Sponsorships are still available, and we have 4 booths and will be holding several live and recorded podcasts at a time thoughout the show.
Never miss an Energy Absurdity! Subscribe on blackmon.substack.com

The Energy Question: Episode 107 – Angela Wilkinson, Secretary General & CEO at World Energy Council
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