January 24

Trump, DeSantis Beat Biden In Hypothetical 2024 Matchup: Poll


A new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll released on Friday reveals that both former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis would beat President Biden if the 2024 presidential election were held today.

Out of 2,050 registered voters polled, 65% said that Biden shouldn’t seek reelection. 46% said they would vote for Trump vs. 41% for Biden, and 13% of them were uncertain.

If the GOP candidate is DeSantis, he beats Biden by a margin of 42% to 39% according to the poll.

According to Mark Penn, co-director of the poll, Trump’s lead over DeSantis may fade.

Trump is ahead but already has every vote he can get,” he told The Hill, adding “DeSantis is the candidate of potential.”

That said, Trump’s lead over DeSantis is yuge…

As far as how voters feel the country is doing, over 60% say it’s on the wrong track, which is down from 70% in July of 2022, but still not great. 32% said the country is on the right track.

Read the entire poll below:


The post Trump, DeSantis Beat Biden In Hypothetical 2024 Matchup: Poll appeared first on Energy News Beat.



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