June 19

Trudeau’s Nasty And Moronic Plan To Fight Fire With Carbon Taxes


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau [pictured] may not be a particularly moral creature, but he is smart.

Having watched part of Canada catch fire and burn for six weeks – no doubt largely at the hands of arsonists – he swiftly blamed the situation on ‘climate change’ and proposed an extension of the carbon tax to ‘fix it’. [emphasis, links added]

The nation’s long-established carbon tax system hasn’t stopped the fires from happening, hasn’t stopped the (normal) drought cycle, and hasn’t stopped the build-up of flammable material within the nation’s sprawling forests.

Science demands a testable relationship between cause and effect, which is something governments avoid at all costs when it comes to mysteriously ineffectual carbon taxes.

The side-stepping reality, Trudeau spluttered assertions about climate hysteria, which were backed up by his low-on-facts Environment Minister.

They are both devout in the belief that wildfires are sporadically terrorizing Canadians because of an imperceptible, fractional temperature change.

‘We’re seeing more and more of these fires because of climate change. These fires are affecting everyday routines, lives, and livelihoods, and our air quality,’ said Justin Trudeau.

Back in the real world, a combination of national park mismanagement by misguided environmental advice and thrill-seeking arsonists appear to be causing the bulk of the problem – the same is true in California and other countries, particularly Australia.

In 2022, fires in Alberta resulted in charges being laid. In one case, a woman was suspected of lighting 32 fires in one region.

Back home, who can forget the Black Hawk helicopter chasing a suspected arsonist through the Australian Royal National Park after weeks of the press calling arson ‘fake news’ and social media giants banning anyone who reported it…

Arsonists the world over find the media fetish for ‘the world is burning!!!’ clickbait a significant motivation.

Farmers know all too well that when the weatherman gets up and starts going on about ‘the hottest day ever’ with their maps splashed red and the fire risk dialed up to CATASTROPHIC, the arsonists come straight out to celebrate with matches.

If Trudeau proposed a default life sentence for arson, Canada would probably make a miraculous recovery from the so-called ‘climate crisis’.

Admitting that many of these fires are man-made by green-eyed negligence damages the credentials of administrations like Trudeau’s government that require the constant flames of fear to rise up and scare inexperienced city-dwelling citizens into paying extortionate taxes.

Failing in their basic duty, the press never manage to assault ministers with awkward truths, such as the planet’s highest carbon levels leading to a warm, wet, Eden-esque expanse of rainforests that laid down the coal and oil we harvest today.

Nor have they asked why government departments are not required to provide detail on how making Canadians poorer will change the global temperature.

When was the last time you saw Trudeau asked about outsourced carbon emissions spewing from Chinese factories in service of his solar panels and wind turbines?

We live under one sky, but Trudeau is making Canadians pay for the sins of others just as Anthony Albanese intends to make Australians pay for his virtue on the international stage.

If either of these men truly believed in their rhetoric, they could give up their globe-trekking lifestyles and have more impact on the ‘climate’ than the entire raft of carbon taxes put forward by greedy governments drunk on the power of apocalypse.

Meanwhile, these same governments neglect the only steps that matter when it comes to fighting bushfires – the acquisition of large, water-bombing aircraft and an expansion of fire services and park management.

What did our fire services do? Sack unvaccinated volunteers. Real work and real solutions are of no interest to governments seeking to turn a sizeable profit from burning forests and homes.

Canada’s carbon taxes are already at disturbing levels. As TNC reports:

The tax purports to curtail the country’s carbon dioxide emissions with a levy that grew from $50 per tonne in 2022 to $65/tonne this year, and which will surge to $170/tonne by 2030.

Already, this carbon tax is locking Canadians out of the housing market where the carbon tax is added to the other fees and charges present in the purchase price.

‘I think it sounds really good, feels good, everyone wants to help the environment, but it’s going to be more expensive to build,’ said one realtor based in Canada.

It’s not only the carbon tax added to homes in Canada, it is a monstrous raft of green legislation and requirements that has turned even the simplest of homes into a nightmare build.

Governments love carbon taxes because there is no way to value them and no mechanism to validate their effectiveness. This means that they can be raised and expanded without any course to remove them.

Trudeau and his Environment Minister can stand up and say, ‘We’re saving Canada with carbon taxes!’ as bushfires rage around them and no one can protest.

The real crime here is the sheer volume of climate and carbon regulation that results in a near-constant extraction of cash from citizens under the haze of ‘saving the world’.

It would be interesting to know the true cost of all the individuals and their departments behind this matrix of virtue – and then work out how much fire-fighting equipment could be purchased with that money instead.

‘If a province decides not to price pollution, or proposes a system that does not meet these standards, the federal system is put in place. This ensures consistency and fairness for all Canadians … by making choices that reduce their emissions, Canadians can avoid paying the price on pollution while still collecting the full Climate Action Incentive payment.’

Except, it isn’t fair. As farmers have pointed out, while they bear the burden of feeding the cities, they are charged the most.

The system is weighted against those who produce food and services, and tipped in favor of the consumer and academic classes who get to feel ‘virtuous’ for cycling to their gender studies class.

This falls apart when the farmers get sick of being a tax piñata and everyone starves, which the government will blame on ‘climate change’ instead of bad governance and greed.

Trudeau admits that the carbon tax puts an enormous strain on citizens and so he offers ‘relief’ payments to certain groups, particularly the Indigenous.

Imagine the level of stupidity required to create a system of taxation based on a fictional apocalypse, calculated on ‘assumed’ emissions, that makes people so poor the government has to bribe its favorite groups with cash handouts.

It is so unbelievably moronic that we can bet Albanese is cooking up an Australian version as we speak.

In the meantime, the escalation of climate fakery will keep the arsonists coming back for more.

Source: Climatechangedispatch.com

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