The Texas Legislative Update Episode 12: Taxes, Carbon, and Daylight Savings Time Shenanigans
[Follow us on Twitter at @JasonModglin and @EnergyAbsurdity]
In Episode 12 of the Texas Legislative Update, David Blackmon and Jason Modglin, President of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, discuss the energy-related events of the week ended April 14, 2023.
It was a week during which the House passed its version of major, $12 billion cut in property taxes, controversy arose over legislation designed clarify the rules of the road for carbon capture and storage, and the House passed a mandating the end to the bi-annual switching to and from Daylight Savings Time that everyone knows Congress will not approve.
We cover all that and more in 30 short minutes.
Topics Discussed:
– Key stat: Only 46 days remain in this 88th session of the Texas Legislature. Once again, the time has flown by.
– House passes $12 billion property tax cut using appraisal caps rather than the Senate approach of expanding the homestead exemption
– Carbon capture legislation
– Incentive bill for refracs
– Electric grid reforms
– Key hearings/Testimony
– Next week preview
– Non-energy topic: House approves bill to stay permanently on Daylight Savings Time –
o must have congressional approval
o Congress has NEVER approved such a request
o Is this just cynical window dressing?
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Fellow Podcast Travlers:
Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN
Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN
Paige Wilson, Host of Oil and Gas Industry Leaders and Co-Host of Oil and Gas This Week Podcast.
Stu Turley, Host of the Energy News Beat Podcast.
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