May 2

The Energy Question: Episode 99 – Tom Nelson Climate The Movie


The Energy Question: Episode 99 – Tom Nelson Climate The Movie

When the transcript becomes available, we will include it here. -Thank you!


The Energy Question with Special Guest  Tom Nelson  Climate  The Movie.mp4

David Blackmon [00:00:07] Hey, welcome to the Energy Question with David Blackmon. Our first live stream interview, this time with Tom Nelson, my favorite, one of my favorite energy commentator and debunker of climate alarmism. He has also recently become the producer of a wonderful new documentary called Climate The Movie. Tom, how are you today?

Tom Nelson [00:00:29] Doing fine. Thanks for having me on.

David Blackmon [00:00:31] And before we get started, we wanted to play a little clip, from the film. Eric, if you could go ahead and tee that up. Here we go.

Video Speaker 1 [00:00:44] Dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairytales of time, of economic growth. How dare you?

David Blackmon [00:01:02] Oh, boy.

Video Narrator [00:01:03] This is the story of how an eccentric environmental scare grew into a powerful global industry.

Video Speaker 2 [00:01:10] It’s a wonderful business opportunity. Okay, you want climate, we’ll give you climate.

Video Speaker 3 [00:01:16] There’s a huge amount of money involved. And this is a huge, big money scam.

Video Speaker 4 [00:01:21] There are not. Just now billions. But there are trillions of dollars at stake.

Video Narrator [00:01:27] It’s a story of self-interest and big government funding.

Video Speaker 5 [00:01:31] People like me are careers depend on funding of climate research. This is what I’ve been doing just about my whole career. This is what the other climate researchers are doing with their whole career. They don’t want this to end.

Video Speaker 6 [00:01:45] If CO2 isn’t having this huge negative impacts that we claimed it was having originally. How are we going to stay in business?

Video Speaker 3 [00:01:53] A lot of people’s livelihoods depend on it. I’m not going to give that up. This is a story of the corruption of science. Okay. Let’s go. There is a climate emergency happening on this planet now. It’s.

David Blackmon [00:02:05] Can we stop it? There we go. I yeah, I think people get the flavor of the film, the quality of the film, the great, wonderful people you have appearing in it. Really smart, smart people. How’s how’s the reception been so far?

Tom Nelson [00:02:21] Yeah, the reception has been fantastic. We’re really happy with, how many views we’re getting. Especially on X, there’s a wide awake media guy put it up there, and that tweet already has 1.3 million views on it. But we’re loving that so many people have downloaded it and put it kind of everywhere. There’s so many copies of it everywhere.

David Blackmon [00:02:38] Well, it’s a it’s a fantastic documentary, folks. I mean, I can’t recommend it highly enough if you want to really understand what is happening with the climate alarm movement in this country. This is a an hour. What is it, 80 minutes long life, 80 minutes. Oh, yeah. I mean, this is a great way to get a real education. What’s truly happening with the climate movement? Talk a little bit how the how the germination for that creation of this film came about.

Tom Nelson [00:03:08] Yeah, I started a podcast in July of 2022, and one of my early guests was Martin Durkin. I was a huge fan of him because he did the 2007 movie The Great Global Warming Swindle, and that movie is so good at it’s, stands up even today. But so I had him on my podcast. We were talking about the movie and he just out of the blue said, you know, I’d like to if I had a chance, I’d like to remake it. I think knowing what I know now, I could make a better movie and I’d love to update it. So that was the germination. And we got talking about it off line. And, he started making the movie. It took him about one year and he basically did all the work, the writing the script and doing the interviews and stuff. He had a team, of course, helping him doing the filming and stuff. Yeah, but yeah, he just did a great job with this movie. I think it’s, it’s going to stand up for many years. This one will.

David Blackmon [00:03:54] You know, I mean, it’s such a polished piece of work. It’s really extremely high quality. What what kind of budget did you have to have to produce something like this?

Tom Nelson [00:04:05] Yeah, I don’t know the exact numbers, but it’s it’s not very much because there was a small team. There were some travel. I think one of the bigger, pieces of, expense was we sent a team to, Africa. I think there’s like a five minute Africa segment that’s very strong. So, yeah, there was some travel and a small team of, people filming and, and a lot of people volunteered their time. Tons of people who are in the movie, maybe all of them, I don’t know, volunteered their time. So it wasn’t very expensive.

David Blackmon [00:04:30] Oh, fantastic. Well, that that really helps, obviously. Anyway, I can’t recommend it enough. Folks, you need to go watch it. It’s it’s 80. It’s the best 80 minutes you’ll spend today. Trust me. Here’s the world really facing a climate emergency or catastrophe or crisis or collapse or whatever they’re calling it right now.

Tom Nelson [00:04:51] Absolutely not. I’ve been down every rabbit hole for, since about 2006 or so, and there’s nothing at all that’s happening anywhere that we should be alarmed about. Of course, there’s bad weather all the time. The world is a big place. And, since human history, every single year, there’s just been tons of bad weather. But there’s no signal anywhere that the weather is getting worse. It’s just not a CO2. Doesn’t cause bad weather. There’s no climate crisis. People who think, oh, no, I’m living right now in a time of a climate crisis, that’s totally delusional because it’s not. It’s just, the bad stuff happens, and, there’s nothing wrong with a climate that hasn’t also been wrong with it during every other year in human history.

David Blackmon [00:05:30] So every year at this time in the United States, we have a lot of tornadoes going across the Midwest part of the country and into the southeast. Quite a lot as well. So we’re not really having an increase over the last 20 years in tornadic activity. I’ve seen data indicating there’s been zero. In fact, I’ve seen a lot of data indicating it’s actually been a decrease in tornadic activity.

Tom Nelson [00:05:53] Yeah, that’s the same data I’m seeing, too, that if you look at it for whatever reason, it looks like it is slightly decreased. I think in the 1970s, for whatever reason, was a bad time for tornadoes in the US. But, yeah, some years are bad, some aren’t, and CO2 is not the reason for either. Either case.

David Blackmon [00:06:09] Is it CO2? Typically a a a lagger? If you look through the historical record. Right. And we, we know in just general terms, major weather, climate shifts over the past hundreds, hundreds of millions of years hasn’t, rise or fall of CO2 actually lag behind changes in global temperatures historically.

Tom Nelson [00:06:32] Yeah, that that is a point made in the movie. And that has been the case that, it’s not a real predictable lag, but generally the temperature moves first and then the CO2 moves after that. And we think it’s due to maybe degassing of CO2 as the oceans warm and, CO2 comes out of the oceans and that, that CO2 follows temperature. And no, where can we see in the record that CO2 is driving Earth’s temperature? Because it isn’t. There’s so many other things happening.

David Blackmon [00:06:57] So, in my own work, you know, and I write about energy all the time. I don’t really spend a lot of time talking about whether climate change is real or whether it’s happening or not happening. My focus is let’s assume it is happening, okay. The climate, the prescriptions, the policy, big policy changes we’re experiencing in the West, mainly in the Western world right now, but in other parts of the world as well, aren’t going to work. I wonder, let’s just assume there is climate change is what we’re doing, you know, with our energy system actually going to help or is it going to actually hurt, humanity in the long run?

Tom Nelson [00:07:38] Yeah. I’d like to make a point that climate change is always happening, for sure, and it is warmer now than it was in 1850, and it’s warmer now than it was in 1975. I think it’s cooler now than it was in 1200. And the temperature fluctuates all over the place on a lot of different timescales. And humans are not the reason and nothing we do. We can all go back and live in caves and never start up an engine ever again. Internal combustion. And I say it’s not going to make any measurable, we’re not going to see any measurable benefit in climate or whether if we do all that stuff, we can spend all that money, we can spend $50 trillion, and it’s all pain and no gain in terms of trying to prevent the climate from changing, because it’s going to change no matter what we do.

David Blackmon [00:08:16] Yeah. I, you know, and of course, just early this week, was it just early this or late last week? Late last week, the Biden administration published its new Clean Power Plan, which is a regurgitation of a failed plan introduced by the Obama administration. It was overturned by the courts for very obvious reasons. So, you know, what they’re trying to do, of course, is eliminate, our remaining fleet of coal fired power plants, which we don’t have all that much anymore. 60GW, I think, we have left in the United States of coal. And but now they’re also going after natural gas fired power plants, to try to eliminate them. Is that how are we going to replace I mean, what’s what’s the impact of eliminating this very reliable, affordable source of baseload power generation going to have on our regional power grids in the United States?

Tom Nelson [00:09:13] Yeah, I think making any of these decisions to fight CO2 is just completely crazy. Totally crazy, because it’s like fighting water vapor or oxygen because CO2 is not a pollutant. So it’s completely crazy to to make these changes for that reason. But if we do make those changes, then, we’re going to have blackouts for sure. There’s no way we’re going to run this country on wind turbines and solar panels. No way is that going to happen. They’re way too intermittent. And if we tried that, then now, like if Apple were to run their data centers. Just on wind and sun. Then there’d be long periods of time when the data centers would not be up. It just. It doesn’t work. You can’t, you can’t just, he was propaganda to change the laws of physics. So none of that stuff, works in real life, and I, I’m always asking people on Twitter and elsewhere before we try to run the whole country this way. Why don’t we try to run just one modern, factory or, one hospital or even one home? Yeah. We can’t do it. These people who say they’re running their house on solar power, they kind of are. But then when they really need the power from the grid, then they’re getting it from the grid. So it’s all fun and games until it’s nighttime or the wind isn’t blowing, so none of it makes sense.

David Blackmon [00:10:22] You so you talk about data centers, and that’s another big topic that’s, you know, been a real focus point here over the last few months since Sam Altman said, we’re going to have to double, generated capacity, on the global grid just in the next 15, 20 years just to accommodate AI growth. Right. So we have 15 major data centers, under construction in Texas today. Right now, major ones that are going to be incredibly energy hogs. So that’s all happening. That’s driving growth in power demand. And and at the same time, we’re eliminating this baseload generation. I mean, how are we going to replace any of that? Does this I mean, does any of it make any sense at all?

Tom Nelson [00:11:06] I mean, no, it doesn’t it does not make sense. You need some reliable baseload. And if you have a lot of new nuclear power plants, that would do it if, that’s reliable baseload. So I’m in favor of that. If we can make that happen, or then we have to have natural gas or coal or we have to have something that is not weather dependent. So we got to have some real source of power. And, there’s this whole idea in California where, recently they’re saying, we’re going to try to get rid of the internal combustion cars and, go all with EVs. And that same week they said, please don’t plug in your EVs because we can’t charge them. So we need adults in the room. And, again, otherwise, if we do the things that climate cultists want us to do, it’s going to make life terrible. And if there’s going to be no benefit, just, it’s gonna make things worse.

David Blackmon [00:11:50] Yeah. You know, the electric vehicle thing. Yeah. I laugh every time people even raise the subject because it is a funny subject. It’s. But it’s not funny. It’s also tragic subject. I thank the the Biden administration. And I write about this a lot is in the process of literally destroying the American automotive industry. And Mary Barra at General Motors. And what’s his name at, at Ford Motor Company have also played a big role in that by by buying into the whole program so they can get those federal subsidies, and thinking they can completely change over their model offerings. I, I think this year we’re seeing a real shift in momentum in the electric vehicles industry. Right. It looks like some of these automakers are waking up like Ford, realizing that, oh, we’ve been led down a garden path here. Do you think, electric vehicles are really ever going to replace internal combustion engines?

Tom Nelson [00:12:52] That’s a great question. And, I don’t see it happening, I think. I mean, there are certain applications, and a lot of them are toys for rich people, their, third car or something. They’re kind of virtue signal, but I don’t see the standard American working in a real job. And they only have an electric car. I don’t think I’m going to live to see that. Maybe something will change. But there was a time when electric vehicles had the lead around maybe 1900 or something. Electric vehicles had the lead then. And then they were pushed out because there’s so many advantages to a real internal combustion car. Just it’s so hard to compete with that energy density. It’s. Yeah. Yeah. That’s good.

David Blackmon [00:13:29] That’s also the point I make all the time is electric vehicles are not a new idea. The first electric vehicle was introduced, rolled out in, the mid 1880s, 1885, I think. And, you know, around the turn of the 20th century, the prevailing thought was that electric vehicles weren’t going to dominate the car market, but they failed for exactly the same reasons. They’re failing now, the limitations that they have, just in terms of range of reliability and and of course, now you also have this enormous, enormous need for all the, this array of, hard rock minerals that you have to mine for. I mean, is there any way we’re going to be able to. What is it? We have to, increase the production of lithium globally by 900% by 2032 to accommodate all this? Is that. Yeah. I mean, can that even happen? Is there a precedent for anything like that ever happening?

Tom Nelson [00:14:28] I don’t know of any precedent, but yeah, you’re just bringing up there’s all these these all these drawbacks of electric car. Just the range issue. Just that one is so big. And then you’re talking about these other ones, about all the mining that it takes. And how are you going to recycle the batteries. Just the weight of the battery. A Tesla might have a 1,200 pound battery that you have to haul around with you all the time. That’s a big disadvantage. And then if you’re going to try to make an electric powered jet airplane, then I have read that you might have to have a 3.2 million pound battery. Then the plane can take off. So it just it doesn’t work. There was one interesting thing about electric cars in Tom Friedman’s book. I think it came out in 2008. Hot, flat and crowded. Talk about the history of electric cars. And he was saying he quoted from an old document saying that, you know, we’re going to have some breakthrough in electric batteries that that’s going to make this way easier. But we’ve been hearing this story all the time, and it’s always ten years away. And they were saying that way back maybe 120 years ago, they’re saying it’s ten years away. Here we are now. Still, it’s a maybe ten years away until we have this magical battery that doesn’t take so long to recharge. So, Moore’s law does not apply to batteries, and we’re not going to have a little tiny battery that can, make a plane take off, etc.. That’s never going to happen.

David Blackmon [00:15:40] So, what do you think? And I get asked this a lot. What do you and I wonder what your view is. What is the real end goal of the climate alarm movement that has become essentially a global religion? Its real goal is not just to switch this over to electric vehicles, is it?

Tom Nelson [00:16:00] It’s not. And I’m constantly asking that question on Twitter. I’m saying this isn’t really about climate, is it? Because it is about control and power for so many people at the top levels? I think for tons of people at the lower levels, they’ve bought into it. They’ve never looked into the data. They think that, CNN says that it must be true. I think a lot of people, even climate scientists, I deal with them on Twitter and they think it’s true because you can tell they haven’t looked into natural variability themselves. It’s amazing you think that part of your climate science degree would be to learn about all the fluctuations, but they don’t know about this. They think they’re saving the world and they hate the idea. If they have 5% data showing them that the world isn’t going to hell in a handbasket, they hate it. They want to believe that they’re saving the world and they’re not.

David Blackmon [00:16:42] Well, I so. Where do we go from here? What’s what’s going to happen next? I mean, we have elections coming up, so potentially, I suppose we could see, a shift in governance that might start rolling some of this craziness back. But I just wonder what your view is. Is there hope of rolling any of it back in the near term?

Tom Nelson [00:17:03] Yeah. My view, I am very hopeful. I’m loving what I’m seeing as an observer. I’ve been looking at it kind of every day a lot since about 2006, and it’s now crumbling. For my view, it is crumbling as we speak. There’s so much good news. And just in the last six weeks, I’ve just backing away. In the U.K., there’s all the energy secretary in the U.K. is talking about how it’s all about central planning and stuff. I just saw that this morning. There’s all sorts of things like that. There’s lots of good news coming down the pike. And Elon Musk just tweeted out this thing about how a meme about how it’s not really about climate, it’s about communism. And that’s a meme got like 70 million views in the last few days. Yeah. So over and over I’m seeing all sorts of helpful things or hopeful things. And I know people who have devoted their life to it. They’re not going to say, oh, you’re I was wrong. I’m on your side now. That’s they’re not going to do that. They’re going to take it to their grave. But for most people who have not gone all in on it, they’re, they’re not going to take any reduction in their lifestyle because of this, these stupid reasons. No one’s going to. We’re not going to eat the bugs. They’re going to try to make us eat the bugs to prevent bad weather. And we’re not going to do it.

David Blackmon [00:18:09] Well, we did not fake meat, right? It’s just like the fear of being eaten bad either.

Tom Nelson [00:18:13] Yeah, yeah, it’s all about forcing us to have a reduction in our lifestyle. We’re not gonna live in 15 minute cities in the US. Maybe in China, but not here. We’re not going to take it. And, they’re not going to win there. I think a lot of people who have talked, who have talked about it a lot in recent times, are just going to suddenly stop talking about it. They’re not going to say we were wrong, but we’re going to be seeing that. That’s why they’re not mentioning it anymore. There’s this Blackrock guy, Larry Fink.

David Blackmon [00:18:37] Larry Fink.

Tom Nelson [00:18:38] Yeah, I think there was some report, maybe their annual report in 2020. They mentioned climate 29 times. And just now the similar report mentioned it four times. And that’s just what’s going to happen. We’re going to climate’s going to kind of drop out and we’re not going to really we’re have to keep our eyes open as it continues to just drop away from the conversation.

David Blackmon [00:18:56] Yeah. And of course, the similar thing has happened to the whole term, ESG, which has been BlackRock’s focus for 20 years. They’ve been the real leader in that. I, what was I going to say? Oh, wait, we were talking before, before we started recording that, you and I both, I think, have noticed a. A fall off, a drop off of on social media. Two years ago, every time I posted, I’d have people, you know, slamming me for being a climate denier and evil. And and I almost never get that anymore. It’s a very rare thing on social media, both LinkedIn and ex is where I spend more of my time. And you’re seeing the same, same kind of dynamic, aren’t you?

Tom Nelson [00:19:45] I’m absolutely seeing that. And there was just this case, Katie Couric, she has 1.6 million followers on X. And just in the last three days, maybe she put up this tweet about the climate scam, something about promoting it. And out of her 1.6 million followers and hours later, she got like 12 likes, only 12 likes, and she got 11 or 12 responses and every one of them was pushing back against her. She got zero positive replies out of 1.6 million followers. So that’s just one anecdote. But I think this kind of thing has been repeated over and over that the American people are not into this scam. There are few of them, and we hear from those few. But the average person on the street, they are not into this scam. So, we are winning.

David Blackmon [00:20:27] Yeah. And despite that, though, we still see the policymakers, the people with the real power doubling and tripling down on the same awful ideas. Just yesterday, the G7 leaders agreed to this deal to, to to eliminate what they’re calling unabated coal fired power plants, which, of course, how they define that is it’s an unabated plant. If it doesn’t have carbon capture and storage technology associated with it to capture the carbon emissions. And the point I’ve made about that is that that’s been tried with five different plants here in the United States, and it’s failed every time. It’s an unproven technology. And yet they are committing their countries, the G7 countries, which includes the whole EU, Japan, the United States and a few other countries to to saying, well, we’re going to stop using any coal fired power plant that doesn’t have. A successful CSS technology associated with it. That’s that’s not just a stupid agreement. That’s a deathwish, isn’t it? I mean, that’s going to if they actually follow through on that, that that’s going to cause enormous grid instability in the United States and everywhere else.

Tom Nelson [00:21:44] Yeah. I mean, Tony Heller is making that point, and Patrick Moore does do that. If we actually do this crazy stuff, lots of people will die straight up, like in Minnesota if we were. It’s really cold here in the winter time. And if we actually try to heat our homes using wind turbines and stuff, tons of people will die quite quickly. So yeah, it is a death wish. It makes no sense. It’s not like it makes a little sense. It’s, it is a suicide for the West and, China gets more power, etc., because they’re not buying into it. And I do think, we’re kind of seeing the death throes of it that the people again at the top, there’s going to try to force this through. I don’t think Joe Biden is listening to us here on this podcast, and he’s realizing that CO2 isn’t the climate control knob or whatever. I don’t know if he’s realizing anything at all anymore, but.

David Blackmon [00:22:31] Yeah.

Tom Nelson [00:22:32] It is. I wonder.

David Blackmon [00:22:33] That too.

Tom Nelson [00:22:34] And the whole point is to get this stuff to happen. They actually have to force this down our throats and actually do real stuff. They can’t just promise it. They actually have to try to do this, and they’re not going to do it because we’re not going to accept this pain. There’s no way we’re going to accept this pain if they actually try to make it happen. They can talk about it all the time, but they can’t make it happen.

David Blackmon [00:22:53] Hey, we’ve got some, viewer content. So it’s a great part about doing these things live, as we can take questions and have comments. Patrick Devine, it’s like the war machine and those who make millions and billions on war. There’s no profit in peace or climate normalcy. That’s that’s actually a great point.

Tom Nelson [00:23:13] Yeah, that is a great point. There’s all kinds of people whose jobs depend on there being a climate crisis. And if we just realize the weather, there’s nothing wrong with the weather, then they’re out of a job and they lose their power. And then they they can’t think of themselves as heroes and they can’t sell their books. And there’s all sorts of things that just go away. If, people realize that this is all baloney.

David Blackmon [00:23:32] Here’s the best part of it. We get get to read things like this. What a great conversation with David. And thank you. Appreciate that. We love compliments. Patrick Devine again, how effective are cloud seeders in affecting local climate? Well, apparently they’re pretty effective in Dubai, right? I mean, we just saved all the, flooding in Dubai that, some people, you know, that follow very closely on their cloud seeding efforts over there in Dubai. Do we have any proof that cloud seeding caused the floods?

Tom Nelson [00:24:03] I don’t know the answer to that. I hear people making strong cases on both sides. I just had David Lee gates on my podcast when I asked him about that, and he is not a believer that it had a big effect in Dubai. I don’t know. I don’t know the answer to that. Yeah, I know we’re spending a lot of money on it. People are doing a lot of cloud seeding, so I don’t know.

David Blackmon [00:24:21] I don’t see you. And I don’t either. I don’t I don’t have any way to to comment on that. Here’s, Stu Turley, my man. Stu, do you think the world leaders will force even tougher mandates on the consumers as they are losing the battle? Yeah, I think they will. Don’t you?

Tom Nelson [00:24:38] I think they will try and they will not succeed. That’s what I think.

David Blackmon [00:24:41] Yeah. Yeah. So you’re you’re optimistic that we’re going to. Boy, I have been expressing my belief that, it’s going to take a major climate catastrophe or energy catastrophe here in the United States to really force real change in the direction we’re moving. But you seem optimistic we’re going to be able to avoid that.

Tom Nelson [00:25:01] Yeah, I am optimistic, and maybe I am too optimistic, but I’m loving what I’m seeing. There’s this whole idea with I think it was the Hertz CEO, the leader of Hertz. He made a big bet on EVs. And then, people don’t want to rent the TV. They’re on vacation. They don’t want to try to find a place to charge it. They want a real car. So it totally didn’t work. And you ended up, I believe, losing his job over that. I think there’s a lot of that going around. It’s this reality clashing with this dream of making things happen. And, reality wins every time. Eventually.

David Blackmon [00:25:30] Yeah. Hertz, as far sailing those EVs, they bought 100,000 Teslas and 50,000 pole stars and they’re selling off. I think it’s 80 or 90% of them at far below market prices right now to try to get rid of the inventory because nobody will rent them. And, it’s amazing to me they’re actually going to keep a small portion of the fleet active. So apparently there are a few people who really want to lease an EV and good for them. One last one here. We’ve got, from Levy. Climate action in Indonesia is likely to be slightly hampered by forest land mafias, mining land mafias and others without paying attention to sustainable investment. Private institutions like ours fighting for sustainable environmental management often conflict with these mafias. Please advise and respond from Mr. David Blackmon. Thank you from Indonesia. Well thank you Levi. Levy, I apologize for mispronouncing your name there. Yeah. You know, I mean, I think, you know, and I think Tom would agree with this. I think, responsible, sustainable investment is important and development is important. And and what I found in my career was that the people running the companies I worked with were very concerned about that in the oil and gas business. And I know mining companies have become a lot more conscious of that. I just interviewed last week the head of a global coal association. And her whole message was about that, how things have improved in the mining business. Power plant operators are a lot more responsible. And is it the reality, Tom, that over the last half century, the United States and really most of the rest of the Western world have been incredibly successful in removing real pollution, like sulfur dioxide and, and, noxious oxide from our environment. Right. And not just the air, but the water, too, are incredibly cleaner than they were half a century ago.

Tom Nelson [00:27:36] Yeah, I’m hearing that all over the place that Steve Malloy is making that point all the time that, I was around in the 1970s, and the air quality in the cities in the US was way worse in the 70s than now. I think the propaganda is on. All kids are living in a polluted world in the US. They’re not, you know, things have been cleaned up. I think the, Hudson River. I’ve heard from RFK Jr that it was very polluted, but now it was in species that, weren’t able to live there before our living there now. And so, yeah, the whole idea that things are getting way worse is not true. As we get richer, then we have more money to be able to, have these luxuries. And, we’re able to run things in a cleaner manner. So I don’t want to bulldoze down all the forests or anything. I’m a deer hunter. I like to have plenty of habitat. I’m a bird watcher. It’s, great to have, plenty of wildlife, and I’m all for that. But the whole idea that we’re going to fight CO2 and that’s going to be good for birds. Crazy. There’s this whole idea I’ve seen more than once that we should have 200,000 teams out there cutting down trees and burying them. That was a Bill gates thing, because the trees, they have carbon in them. So one way to sequester it is just to cut down the trees and dig a hole and put them in there. There was actually a scientific paper that says that’s what we should do to prevent bad weather.

David Blackmon [00:28:47] So, I.

Tom Nelson [00:28:48] Can hardly get crazier than that. So no, that’s not going to it’s not going to work.

David Blackmon [00:28:52] Holy moly. That’s just that’s even more insane than I knew. Bill gates was already, and that’s been the whole thing. I think the let’s, let’s, close up this discussion by pointing out the fact that the, the whole germination point that’s driving this entire global movement was the court decisions, during the George W Bush administration that enabled the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide. The basis for all plant and animal life on the planet. As a pollutant. They had because we have done such a great job of eliminating real pollution from the atmosphere. The climate movement had to have another boogeyman, and that court decision gave it to him, didn’t it?

Tom Nelson [00:29:40] Yeah, yeah. The whole idea that CO2 is a pollutant is crazy. You and I, as we’re sitting here, we’re exhaling maybe 40,000 parts per million. Yeah, 100 times what’s in the atmosphere? And, yeah, it’s a great plant food. There’s this whole idea that, we’ll. Happer says that a growing cornfield. There might be 400 parts per million at the start of the morning and 200 parts per million CO2 a little later on, because the hungry corn is sucking it down. The whole idea that that’s a pollutant and we have to fight it with, tooth and nail. Totally crazy.

David Blackmon [00:30:09] It is crazy. Man, I really appreciate you taking the time to do this. This has been awesome.

Tom Nelson [00:30:14] Thank you. I really enjoyed this. I have to do it again.

David Blackmon [00:30:16] Thank you. And thanks to everybody. Whoops. One more. One last comment. Maybe the carbon dioxide we need to lose is Bill gates. I’m sorry. That’s wonderful. Joanna. Thank you. That’s a great way to close this out. Tom, thanks so much.

Tom Nelson [00:30:30] All right. I’ll talk to you next time.

David Blackmon [00:30:32] All right. Thank you.

Tom Nelson [00:30:33] Yep. Goodbye.

David Blackmon [00:30:35] Thanks to our producer, Eric Parel. And.

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