The Energy Question Episode 70 Lars Carlstrom, CEO of Statevolt and Italvolt
In Episode 70 of The Energy Question, David Blackmon interviews Lars Carlstrom, founder and CEO of Statevolt and Italvolt. Statvolt and Italvolt are startup companies dedicated to the manufacture of both stationary and transportation batteries.
Carlstrom compares and contrasts the challenges of starting up companies in both the U.S. and Italy in terms of permitting, supply chains, resource availability and employee sourcing and retention. He also discusses how both the U.S. and Europe are addressing the challenges in this space presented by China and its dominance in the electric vehicles and energy minerals space.
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The Energy Question Episode 70 Lars Carlstrom, CEO of Statevolt and Italvolt
When the transcript becomes available, we will include it here. -Thank you!
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We would like to thank our sponsors and fellow traveling industry thought leaders.
Fellow Podcast Travlers:
Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN
Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN
Paige Wilson, Host of Oil and Gas Industry Leaders and Co-Host of Oil and Gas This Week Podcast.
Stu Turley, Host of the Energy News Beat Podcast.
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