According to information from Iltalehti, the state administration and the Defense Forces suspect that Russia has hit the gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia. The defense forces have investigated the damage to the gas pipe.

An unusual drop in pressure was observed in the Balticconnector marine gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia on the night between Saturday and Sunday, shortly before 2 o’clock.

The observation was made by Gasgrid Finland Oy and the Estonian gas grid operator Elering. It soon became clear that the pipe was damaged.

The investigation into the cause of the damage to the gas pipe began immediately. Foreign and security policy sources tell Iltalehti that the government has considered it possible from the beginning that Russia would have aimed a sabotage attack at the gas pipeline under the Gulf of Finland.

In addition, a fault has been found in the communication cable between Finland and Estonia in the Estonian economic water area.

Map of the location of the Balticconnector pipe. 

The suspect was not publicly named

At the press conference held on Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (kok) did not name the suspected culprit. He said that TP-Utva discussed the matter on Monday and that close coordination between the authorities has been continued. Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has also been contacted.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo emphasized that ordinary Finns do not need to be worried about the situation.

– It is important that the matter is investigated thoroughly and that conclusions that go too far are not made at this stage, Orpo directly answered the question about whether the Russians could be behind the sabotage.

He emphasized that the energy supply situation in Finland is stable.

– This is not an act that paralyzes us. Of course, it is worrying that this is happening, that’s clear, Orpo emphasized.

Repairing the damage is said to take months. However, the authorities assured that the supply of gas will be stable with the LNG plant in Inkoo.

Orpo stated at the event that Finland’s preparedness has not been officially raised, but “vigilance” has been raised.

– We still live at a normal level, Orpo said.

The defense forces are also ready for normal conditions.

– It has already been known that the readiness level in the Defense Forces has been moved to bravo. In this sense, it can be stated that we have already enhanced our own operations for a long time, Chief of Staff readiness manager, Rear Admiral Janne Huusko stated at the event.

Huusko also emphasized that there is currently no military threat to Finland.

IIn addition to the KRP, the Defense Forces, and the Border Guard, there was also a representative of Traficom, among others, present at the press conference. 

Not the act of an “ordinary person”.

KRP emphasizes that the investigation of the case is only in its initial stages. A preliminary investigation has been launched. The crime is aggravated vandalism.

– We will find out if it is a deliberate work or if there is another reason, Central Criminal Police Chief Crime Inspector Timo Kilpeläinen said.

According to Central Criminal Police Timo Kilpeläinen, this is not the act of an “ordinary person”. MATTI MATIKAINEN

No seismological observations have been made in the area, so there are no indications of an explosion, according to Border Guard Rear Admiral Markku Hassisen .

One thing to find out is who or what is behind this act.

However, Kilpeläinen estimates that the act is hardly “done by an ordinary person”.

– You need a certain kind of know-how and equipment. It is not the act of an ordinary person, said KRP’s Kilpeläinen.

According to Kilpeläinen, the damage is also such that it could not have occurred by accident.

– The size category is such that it is a deliberate act, Kilpeläinen stated. However, he did not want to compare it to last fall’s Nord Stream gas pipeline strikes.

At the end of the event, Orpo said that ordinary Finns don’t need to worry about it.

– There is enough energy and gas, the service connections are working. It is wise to be prepared to minimize all risks, Orpo said.

The captain of the Swedish navy thought it was possible

Iltalehti reported last spring that the Finnish and Swedish navies have stepped up their readiness to prevent Russian attacks against the countries’ energy grids.


Russia may attack Finland and Sweden’s electric cables – “A way to carry out an operation against us”

Russian surface ships had been spotted in the vicinity of wind farms and underwater power cables.

– We are convinced that Russia has done that, mapped the targets in some way, Swedish Navy Commander Ewa Skoog Haslum told Iltalehte.

Is there a risk that the Russians will sabotage and destroy, for example, underwater electric cables?

– Absolutely.

– They are a way to carry out an operation against us, Admiral Skoog Haslum warned about the possibility of sabotage.

Since a Russian attack on energy networks is possible, the countries’ navies have been on heightened alert to prevent sabotage.

– That’s why we constantly strive both to repel the intentions by being in the vicinity of the targets and to show our will to defend ourselves, Skoog Haslum emphasized.

The commander strongly condemned the mapping activities carried out by the Russians.


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