March 18

Texas Legislative Update, Episode 8: Key Bills Roll Out in Austin and Washington, DC


Texas Legislative Update, Episode 8: Key Bills Roll Out in Austin and Washington, DC

[Follow us on Twitter at @JasonModglin and @EnergyAbsurdity]

In Episode 8 of the Texas Legislative Update, David Blackmon and Jason Modglin, President of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, discuss key legislation impacting Texas energy that was introduced during the week of March 13-17 in both Austin and Washington, DC.

In Austin, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and several leading senators rolled out a series of Senate Bill that would enact further reforms to the Texas electric grid. The goal of the bills is to ensure the installation of significant new dispatchable thermal generation capacity and improve the management of the state’s expanding fleet of renewable energy.

In Washington, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana is working with a group of key members to move legislation designed to streamline federal permitting processes for energy projects, including both fossil fuel energy and renewables.

Watch and listen as David and Jason assess the prospects for these key bills and others to move through the legislative processes in both capitals.



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David Blackmon, Jason Modglin, Texas Legislative

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