February 27

Has Russia Already Won? Is it “Game Over” for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Empire?




The fall of the Soviet Union marked the beginning of a highly dangerous new phase of American aggression against a severely weakened Russia. For the Rockefeller Empire, it represented a golden opportunity to destroy their former adversary, Russia, as a functioning agent. If they could succeed in destroying Russia, they believed they could eliminate the only remaining serious obstacle to what the Pentagon called Full Spectrum Domination – total control of land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. One Sole Superpower could dictate to the entire world as it saw fit. This was the mad dream of David, his family and allies.

The 1990s was a time of immense suffering for the Russian people. As the impending collapse of the USSR became discernable, insiders created a planning group to ensure the continued influence of Soviet-era officials by transferring Russian state assets to offshore shell companies and thus stripping the country’s wealth. One such offshore company, FIMACO, was used to pilfer an estimated $50 billion from the nation. It was through this looting that liquid capital was generated and used by future oligarchs to build their fortunes. An early beneficiary of this arrangement was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who had started his career as a minor Soviet official and whose Yukos oil conglomerate was tied to FIMACO. And FIMACO was tied to Jacob Rothschild, in London.

In 1991 the Soviet Union finally collapsed. That August, state treasurer Nikolai Kruchina, responsible for Russia’s gold reserves, died by falling from his window. He had been a member of the planning group which originated the plot to steal state assets. His successor Georgy Pavlov fell to his death from a window two months later: the oligarchs were cleaning house. In September, the Russian central bank announced the Kremlin’s gold reserves had inexplicably dropped from the estimated 1000–1500 tons to a mere 240 tons. Two months later, Victor Gerashchenko announced Russia’s gold reserves had actually entirely vanished. While the Russian public was horrified at the revelation, European bankers were less surprised. It was whispered frequently among those circles that Soviet transport planes had been flying to and from Switzerland for months and selling off large amounts of gold. Boris Yeltsin announced his plans to privatize the nation’s assets and the real looting began.

During the privatization period, the networks of the 2 families wasted no time in opportunistically swooping in to take over Russian industries. The Clinton administration sought to redesign the economic policies of the nascent Russian Federation according to the Washington Consensus: privatization, deregulation, austerity, and the opening up of Russia’s companies to purchase by ultra-wealthy Americans. Foreign investors flocked in and the level of greed among this fifth column of new Muscovites was truly astonishing.

Enter Putin

Soon after taking office in 1999, Vladimir Putin, a nationalist with a long career in Russian intelligence, faced the daunting task of trying to undo, or at least limit, the damage that the criminal cronies of Yeltsin and their foreign partners had done to Russia.

Putin Kicks out the Rothschilds

The criminality was not limited to foreign speculators. During the early period of privatization in the 90s, the Rothschilds organized a secret society of seven Russian oligarchs entirely controlled Boris Yeltsin’s administration. This group called itself Semibankirschina, named after the Seven Boyars who controlled Russia during the 17th centuryThe secret society included the following oligarchs: Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, Vladimir Gusinsky, Vladimir Potanin, and Alexander Smolensky. They all worked for the Rothschilds – or London – and more specifically, for Jacob Rothschild.

In late 1999, Vladimir Putin became president of Russia and the fortunes of these self-appointed rulers rapidly turned for the worse. A new group of Putin insiders formed – the Siloviki (made up of Russian nationalists from the security and business world) and began supplanting the previous access that the Semibankirschina had to the president. From a strong position, Putin negotiated a “grand bargain” with the remaining oligarchs: they retained most of their existing assets in return for alignment with Putin’s vertical rule of Russia. The era of financial gangsterism from the 1990s was over. In 2001, a state takeover of media seized the television networks previously owned by the Rothschild puppets. It was with these moves by Putin, from early March 2000, that led to a break up of Rothschild control over Russia. These oligarchs all belonged to Jacob Rothschild. And, they were robbing Russia blind.

David Rockefeller couldn’t be bothered with such small takings. Here, the key was to bring Russia into the dollar world – this was more profitable for his empire. In addition, a series of geopolitical confrontations on Russia’s borders served his empire greatly. The first such was the Chechen wars of 1994, and 1999/2000. This, Putin ended quickly and ruthlessly.

The military occupation of Iraq was the first major step in the American strategy to move oil into the oil companies of the 2 families. Then, Russian investments in Iraq were lost after the US invasion in March 2003. In addition, following the Afghanistan invasion in October 2001, the Pentagon began spreading its presence in Central Asia – to the discomfort of both Russia and China. For obvious military and political reasons, Washington could not admit openly that since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, its strategic goal had been to dis-member or de-construct Russia, thereby gaining effective control over its huge oil and gas reserves.

These two wars were but the opening shots of a series of geopolitical oil and energy “pipeline wars” – undeclared wars, but wars in every sense of the word. They were wars, overt and covert, spanning Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa. The energy wars were fought with bombs, with terror tactics, and with drones. They were also fought with sophisticated new methods of political destabilization of uncooperative regimes through what were called Color Revolutions. The goal was simple: Rockefeller control through the Pentagon and the CIA of all significant oil and gas deposits PLUS pipelines to transport, this in order to be able to control the emerging Eurasian economic colossus, especially China and Russia (and later India). The goal would be achieved by any means necessary. The NATO encirclement of Russia, the Color Revolutions across Eurasia, and the war in Iraq were all aspects of one and the same American geopolitical strategy: a grand strategy to de-construct Russia once and for all as a potential rival to a sole US Superpower hegemony. The end of the Yeltsin era put a slight crimp in Washington’s grand plans. Following the Wall Street–City of London guided looting of Russia by networks of the 2 families, a shrewder and more sober Putin cautiously emerged as a dynamic nationalistic force, committed to rebuilding Russia.

Putin Breaks with the Rockefellers

A defining event in Russian energy geopolitics took place in 2003. Just as Washington had taken over Iraq, Putin ordered the spectacular arrest of Russia’s billionaire oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky – or MK, on charges of tax evasion. Putin then froze shares of Khodorkovsky’s giant Yukos Oil group, putting it under state control. What had triggered Putin’s dramatic action?

MK was working for Jacob Rothschild. He was a Rothschild front. In March 2000, MK was present with all the other oligarchs called to a meeting by Putin. The oligarchs had made a pledge to Putin – that if they stayed out of Russian politics, and repatriated a share of their stolen money (in effect, stolen from the state in rigged bidding under Yeltsin) they would be allowed to keep their assets. All of these oligarchs were Rothschild fronts. Most accepted, with the exception of Rothschild’s Jewish oligarchs. Putin went after them, as they broke their pledge to him. And so did MK. He was busy buying up the Duma – Russia’s parliament – as a first step, in a plan to run against Putin in 2004.

In the meantime Mikhail Khodorkovsky was negotiating with 2 Rockefeller oil companies, Exxon and Chevron, to sell 40% of Yukos Oil (for the sum of $25 billion). Had this deal gone through, Russia’s economic and financial independence would be over. This 40% stake would have given Washington, the US oil giants, and the Rockefeller family a de facto veto power over future Russian oil and gas deals and pipelines. At the time of his arrest, Yukos had just begun steps to acquire Sibneft, a very large Russian oil company. The combined Yukos–Sibneft enterprise, with 20 billion barrels of oil and gas, would then have owned the second-largest oil and gas reserves in the world – in private hands, and not state-owned. The Exxon buy-up of Yukos–Sibneft would have been a literal energy coup-d’état. David Rockefeller and Jacob Rothschild knew it. So did the White House. MK knew it. Above all, Vladimir Putin knew it and moved decisively to block it. Putin moved against him in October 2003, and arrested him.

It was during the purge of oligarchs and vulture capitalists that the true power behind Mikhail Khodorkovsky emerged. When it became likely he would be arrested, he arranged to have all his shares from the Yukos Oil Company transferred to the ownership of Jacob Rothschild. The transfer took place in November of 2003, giving Jacob Rothschild a 40-45% control of Yukos, estimated to be worth $25 billion. Putin subsequently liquidated and nationalized Yukos by seizing and selling off its shares to state oil companies. Putin restored to Russia what was stolen by Jacob Rothschild. Once the richest man in the country, Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s fortunes turned for the worse. In 2003, Khodorkovsky was criminally prosecuted by Putin for tax evasion and fraud for which he ended up serving 10 years in jail, and was subsequently exiled. When the rigged auction sales of state assets took place in 1995/96, most of the companies got sold for as little as 5% of their value. And, Yukos got “purchased” for less than $400 million, when its true worth was far more than that.

So Putin has declared war on the most powerful families on the planet. From this moment on, it would be a fight between Putin and the 2 families. Putin has survived many attempts on his life by these 2 networks of power. Ever since Putin arrested Khodorkovsky in 2003, the Kremlin had been putting the engines of economic control into state hands once again.

One of Putin’s first agenda items was to pay off all debt to the IMF and holdover loans from the Soviet era, thus freeing the nation from Rothschild interference. This enabled Putin to reduce their influence over Russia’s destiny.

The events in Russia were soon followed by CIA-financed covert destabilizations in Eurasia – the Color Revolutions against governments on Russia’s periphery.

Putin began to make a series of defensive moves to restore some tenable form of equilibrium in the face of Washington’s increasingly obvious policy of encircling and weakening Russia. Subsequent US strategic blunders made the job a bit easier for Russia. Now, with the stakes rising on both sides – NATO and Russia – Putin’s Russia moved beyond simple defense to a new dynamic offensive aimed at securing a more viable geopolitical position by using its energy as the lever.

By 2003, after Iraq was occupied by US and British forces, the most urgent priority for the US was the control of Russian oil, gas, and its associated pipelines. For that to happen, a coup in the tiny Republic of Georgia was deemed essential, as well as a similar coup in Ukraine. If pro-US regimes could be installed in both countries, not only would the military security of Russia itself be mortally threatened, but also Russia’s ability to control the export of its oil and gas to the EU would be severely hampered.

In January 2004, the Rose Revolution put into power Washington’s candidate for President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili. With their man firmly installed in Tbilisi, BP and the Anglo American oil consortium moved swiftly to complete a 1,800 km pipeline from Baku via Tbilisi to Ceyhan on Turkey’s Mediterranean shore, at a cost of some $3.6 billion. With the construction of this (BTC) pipeline, a major part in the weakening of Russia’s oil and energy independence appeared in place.

In November 2004, the CIA put their man into power in the Ukraine. This coup was dubbed the Orange Revolution. Ukraine was of greater strategic importance for Russia than Georgia. This was due to the several oil and gas pipelines transiting Ukraine to the EU. To cut these pipelines at the Ukraine border would have dealt a severe economic blow to Russia when she could ill afford such a loss. With Poland already in NATO, NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia would almost completely encircle Russia with hostile neighbors, creating an existential threat to the very survival of Russia itself. Putin knew this, but his options were limited. Washington knew what the stakes were, and it was doing everything short of open war against a nuclear opponent to push the agenda.

By 2005, the key oil companies of the two families (London) BP, Shell, Total; and (New York) Exxon, Chevron, had gained control over most of the oil of the Caspian Sea. The control of energy – globally – by the Big Four oil companies of the 2 families, Chevron and Exxon (Rockefeller), and BP and Shell (Rothschild) – was the cornerstone of their global strategy.

It was clear within the Rockefeller family discussions, and in Washington policy circles, that in order to control those global oil and gas flows, the US needed to project its military power far more aggressively, to achieve total military supremacy, which was what Full Spectrum Dominance was all about. The strategists of Full Spectrum dominance envisioned control of pretty much the entire universe, including outer and inner-space, from the galaxy, to the body, to the mind. Now, you know the sick, devious and cunning minds that brought about Covid, in order to lock down the global economy – Why? – in order to save the Rockefeller Empires financial and banking systems.

Russian Energy Geopolitics

In 2004, Russia was not a world-class power. In terms of energy, it was a colossus. In terms of landmass it was still the largest nation in the world, spanning 11 time zones. It had vast territory and natural resources, and the world’s largest reserves of natural gas, while its oil reserves stood at 150 billion barrels, with the potential to increase this figure greatly as large parts of Russia are still not explored.

Russia’s state-owned natural gas pipeline network, the ‘unified transportation system’, includes a vast network of pipelines and compressor stations extending more than 400,000 kms across Russia. Just the modern replacement cost of this, today, would be in the region of $1 – 2 trillion! By law, only the state-owned Gazprom was allowed to use the pipeline. This network was perhaps the most valued Russian state asset other than the oil and gas itself. Here was the heart of Putin’s new energy geopolitics. Putin was using Russia’s energy trump card to build economic ties across Eurasia from West to East, North to South. Washington was not at all pleased.

Russia had never stopped being a powerful entity that produced state-of-the-art military technologies. While its army, navy and air force were in poor condition in 1990, the elements for Russia’s resurgence as a military powerhouse were still in place. Russia had consistently fielded top-notch military technology at various international trade shows, using the world arms export market to keep its most vital military technology base intact. Weapons exports had been one of the best ways for Russia to earn much needed hard currency in the 1990s till now. The Russian nuclear arsenal also played an important role, providing fundamental security for the Russian state.

The Russian Central Bank had become the world’s 3rd largest dollar reserve holder behind China and Japan. In addition, it was the only power on the face of the earth with the potential military capabilities to match those of the US. In 2005, in a speech delivered in front of Russia’s Federal Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe in Russia’s history. What he meant is that the fragmentation of the Soviet Union would cost Russia the element that had allowed it to survive foreign invasions since the 18th century: strategic depth.

For a European country to defeat Russia decisively, it would have to take Moscow. The distance to Moscow is great and would wear down any advancing army, requiring reinforcements and supplies to be moved to the front. As they would advance into Russia, the attackers’ forces would be inevitably weakened. Hitler and Napoleon reached Moscow exhausted. Both were beaten by distance and winter, and by the fact that the defenders were not at the end of their supply line.

At the height of the Cold War, St. Petersburg was about 1,600kms from NATO forces, and Moscow about 2,100kms. Today, St. Petersburg is about 150kms away and Moscow about 800kms. For Putin, the primary threat to Russia is from the west. It has always been the goal of the Rockefellers to secure total economic and political control over Russia. The British father of geopolitics, Halford Mackinder, stated in 1904 that control over Russia who determine who would control the vast expanses of Eurasia, and by extension the entire world. British foreign policy, from 1904, was dedicated to preventing, at all costs, the emergence of a cohesive Eurasian pivot power centered on Russia and capable of challenging British hegemony.

Mackinder summed up his ideas with the following dictum:

Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland
Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island
Who rules the World-Island commands the world.

Mackinder’s Heartland was the core of Eurasia – Ukraine and Russia. The World Island was all of Eurasia, including Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Britain was never a part of Continental Europe; it was a separate naval and maritime power, and should remain so whatever the cost.

The Mackinder geopolitical perspective shaped Britain’s entry into both World War 1 and 2. It shaped American involvement in Europe from 1941.

The gradual re-emergence of a dynamic Russia in the Heartland of Eurasia, one that was growing economically closer to China and to key nations of Western Europe, was the very development that Brzezinski had warned could mortally threaten American dominance. It was Halford Mackinder’s worst nightmare. Ironically, Washington’s bungled invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and its crude elaboration of its “war on Terror,” had directly helped to bring that Eurasian cooperation about. One of Putin’s favorite sayings is, “We must trade as a single market, from Vladivostok to Rotterdam.” Both the families get a heart attack when they hear Putin saying this. It also created the backdrop for the Georgian conflict in August 2008.

But first, let’s look Putin’s speech at Munich – this changed the contours and dynamics of international relations from that point on.

Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech

At the 2007 annual Munich Security Conference, as the Bush administration had announced plans to install US missile defense systems in Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic, Russia’s Putin delivered a scathing critique of the US lies and violation of their 1990 assurances on NATO. By that time 10 former communist Eastern states had been admitted to NATO despite the 1990 US promises. Furthermore, both Ukraine and Georgia were candidates to join NATO following US-led Color Revolutions in both countries in 2003-4. Putin rightly argued the US missiles were aimed at Russia, not North Korea or Iran.

In his 2007 Munich remarks Putin told his Western audience, “It turns out that NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders, and we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them.”

Putin added, “But I will allow myself to remind this audience what was said. I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990. He said at the time that: ‘the fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee’. Where are these guarantees?” That was 15 years ago.

Putin spoke in Munich in general terms about Washington’s vision of a “unipolar” world, with one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decision making, calling it a “world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within the system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.”

Putin was talking about the US. Then Putin got to the heart of the matter:

“Today we are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper use of force – military force – in international relations, force that is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts. Finding a political solution becomes impossible. The United States has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. Well, who likes this? Who is happy about this?”

Putin warned about the destabilizing effects of space weapons

“It is impossible to sanction the appearance of new, destabilizing high-tech weapons – a new era of confrontation, especially in outer space. Star wars is no longer a fantasy. In Russia’s opinion, the militarization of outer space could have unpredictable consequences for the world, and provoke nothing less than the beginning of a nuclear era – plans to expand certain elements of the anti-missile defense system to Europe cannot help but disturb us. Who needs the next step of what would be, in this case, an inevitable arms race?”

Few people were aware that the US, a month earlier, had announced that it was building massive anti-missile defense installations in Poland and the Czech Republic. As Putin replies to this at the same Munich Conference, “Missile weapons with a range of 5 to 8,000kms that really pose a threat to Europe do not exist in any of the so-called problem countries. And any hypothetical launch of a North Korean rocket to American territory through Western Europe obviously contradicts the laws of ballistics. As we say in Russia, it would be like using the right hand to reach the left ear.

Moscow Reacts

Moscow lost little time in reacting to the announcement of US plans for its ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems in Eastern Europe. The commander of Russia’s strategic bomber force said on March 5, 2007, that his forces could easily disrupt or destroy any missile defense infrastructures in Poland and the Czech Republic – precisely where the US was preparing to install them. In clear words, Putin was responding to the escalating Washington provocations by declaring openly that a New Cold War was on. It was not a new Cold War initiated by Russia, but one where Russia, out of national survival considerations, was forced to respond. A new, nuclear-based arms race was in full bloom.

This statement of Putin sent shock waves through the world, especially the highest policy levels of the West. Putin was declaring that – “enough is enough!” From this moment on, Putin knew that a military confrontation between Russia and the West was only a matter of time. Wasting no time, he used his energy trump cards to beef up his military, and after the 2008 crash, to beef up Russia’s financial strength.

Nuclear Primacy

What Washington did not say, but Putin alluded to in his speech, was that the US missile defense was not at all defensive. It was offensive. If the US was able to shield itself effectively from a potential Russian retaliation for a US nuclear First Strike, then the US would be able to dictate its terms to the entire world, not just to Russia. That would be Nuclear Primacy. For the Rockefeller Empire and its chief vassal, Washington, the Cold War never ended. They just forgot to tell the rest of the world.

The US attempt to take control of oil and energy pipelines worldwide. Its installation of military bases across Eurasia, its modernization and upgrades of nuclear submarine fleets and bombers, only made sense when seen from the perspective of the relentless pursuit of US nuclear primacy. In December 2001, Washington withdrew from the US-Russian Ballistic Missile Treaty. This was a critical step in Washington’s race to complete its global network of ‘missile defense’ capability as the key to nuclear primacy. The US missile talks with Poland and the Czech Republic began at the end of 2003. The Pentagon found two sites in the mountains of southern Poland for radar stations. These sites would be the first such installations outside America and the only ones in Europe. A missile fired from these silos in Poland or the Czech Republic would be within minutes of potential Russia targets. No one would be able to say whether they contained nuclear warheads or not. That would put the world on a hair-trigger to possible nuclear war, by design or miscalculation. Then, in the March 2006 Foreign Affairs, the journal of the CFR, an article by two US military analysts came to the following conclusion:

“Today, for the first time in almost 50 years, the US stands on the verge of attaining nuclear primacy. It will probably soon be possible for the US to destroy the long-range nuclear arsenals of Russia or China with a first strike. Unless Washington’s policies change or Moscow and Beijing take steps to increase the size and readiness of their forces…” – and, they concluded: “The sort of missile defenses that the US might deploy would be valuable in an offensive context, not a defensive one – as an adjunct to a US First Strike capability, NOT as a standalone shield. If the US launched a nuclear attack against Russia or China, the targeted country would be left with only a tiny surviving arsenal – if any at all. At that point, even a relatively modest missile defense system might be well enough to protect against any retaliatory strikes.“

This was the real agenda in Washington’s Eurasian Great Game.

Then, in August 2008, Georgia foolishly invaded Russia, and were promptly defeated by the Russian military. Not long after this, Putin began an upgrade of the Russian military. He knew that a confrontation was in the making. In 2016, Putin unveiled some of the new weapons being rolled out. The West was shocked – nay, they had a heart attack. It was at that moment that the Pentagon knew they could not win a military confrontation with Russia. Then, Russia was called in by the Syrian government to help defeat ISIS (a creation of the CIA/Mossad/British Intelligence). That Russian military action signaled a new era in global politics, with Russia appearing as a formidable force to be reckoned with for the first time since the end of the Cold War. America was no longer the sole military superpower. The world was visibly moving towards a new world war, one claiming to have religion at its core, but in reality a war, like all wars, about money and power. Islam was being instrumentalized as a weapon of that global war – by the two families.

Why was it so important for London and New York to gain control of Russia? The answer to that question lies in the fields of geopolitics, especially oil and gas.

Eurasian Geopolitics

Zbigniew BrzezinskI, geopolitical advisor to David Rockefeller, wrote a book in 1997 called The Grand Chessboard. It shows the thinking of the Rockefeller Empire in regard to Eurasia. Let us show a few extracts from the book to give an idea of how to control Eurasia.

“For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia.”

“Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power.”

“… But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America. The formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian geostrategy is therefore the purpose of this book.”

To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geo-strategy are toprevent collusion, maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians (Russian, Chinese, and Arabs) from coming together”. “It follows that America’s primary interest is to help ensure that no single power comes to control this geopolitical space and that the global community has unhindered financial and economic access to it.”

“America is now the only global superpower, and Eurasia is the globe’s central arena. Hence, what happens to the distribution of power on the Eurasian continent will be of decisive importance to America’s global primacy and to America’s historical legacy.”

“Without sustained and directed American involvement, before long the forces of global disorder could come to dominate the world scene.” With warning signs on the horizon across Europe and Asia, any successful American policy must focus on Eurasia as a whole and be guided by a Geostrategic design.”

“That puts a premium on maneuver and manipulation in order to preempt the emergence of a hostile coalition that could eventually seek to challenge America’s primacy…”

“The most immediate task is to make certain that no state or combination of states gains the capacity to expel the United States from Eurasia or even to diminish significantly its decisive arbitration role “.

“Potentially, the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an “anti-hegemonic” coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances. It would be reminiscent in scale and scope of the challenge once posed by the Sino-Soviet bloc, though this time China would likely be the leader and Russia the follower. Averting this contingency, however remote it may be, will require a display of U.S. geostrategic skill on the western, eastern, and southern perimeters of Eurasia simultaneously.”

We see that US foreign policy followed the advice closely. But the US failed. Iran, China and Russia are close allies, and all three are working to expell the US, the West, NATO and Israel from dominating Eurasia. They dismissed Putin when he formulated a new paradigm in Munich in 2007 – and when he returned to the Kremlin in 2012. Putin made it very clear that Russia’s legitimate strategic interests would have to be respected again, and that Russia was about to recover its de facto “veto rights” in managing world affairs. Well, the Putin doctrine was already being implemented since the Georgian affair in 2008.

The Caucasus

There is another potential entry into Russia from the south. The Russian Empire used this route as a buffer zone with Turkey, especially during the numerous Russo-Turkish wars. Russia was protected by the Caucasus, a rugged, mountainous region that discouraged any attacks to the point that NATO never considered this option. But if anyone managed to force their way through the mountains, they would be about 1,500kms from Moscow on flat, open terrain in far better weather than attackers from the west would face.

If the South Caucasus states formed an anti-Russia coalition, and the United States, for example, supported a rising in the North Caucasus, the barrier might be shattered and a path northward opened. Therefore, Russia followed a strategy of imposing strong controls in the North Caucasus while engaging in a war in 2008 with Georgia, its most significant southern threat, based on geography and Georgia’s alliance with the U.S. The war demonstrated the limits of American power while it was engaged in wars in the Muslim world. It was a successful strategy save for the fact that the long-term threat from the south was not eliminated. Russia needed a strategy in the west and one in the south. In the west, part of that strategy evolved in Ukraine, keeping it from being a threat without the use of major Russian force. A tacit agreement was reached with Washington: The United States would not arm Ukraine with significant offensive weapons, and Russia would not move major forces into Ukraine beyond the insurgencies already in place. At that time, neither Russia nor the U.S. wanted war. Each wanted a buffer zone. That is what emerged.


Another piece of the lost buffer became, so to speak, available. Belarus is about 600kms from Moscow. Poland, to its west, is hostile to Russia and contains some American forces. This represents a significant threat to Russia, unless Belarus could be brought into the Russian fold. The elections in Belarus held last year created an opportunity. President Alexander Lukashenko, a long-time rule, faced serious opposition. This was another attempt by the CIA to start a Color Revolution in Belarus. Had the CIA succeeded in Belarus, the squeeze on Russia would have been fatal in case of war.

The Russians backed Lukashenko and have essentially preserved his position. Alexander Lukashenko has been the head of state of Belarus since 1994 and did not have a serious challenger in the previous five elections. On 23 September 2021, Belarusian state media announced that Lukashenko had been inaugurated for another five-year term in a brief ceremony which was held privately. The following day, the EU published a statement that rejected the legitimacy of the election, called for new elections, and condemned the repression and violence – standard tactics from the West. Strategic depth is vital in the very long term, and its importance is burned into Russia’s memory.

Destabilization of Kazakhstan

The year 2022 started with Kazakhstan on fire, a serious attack against one of the key hubs of Eurasian integration. Leaders of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) held an extraordinary session to discuss Kazakhstan.

The head of the Russian National Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, is Putin’s right-hand man. He is the head of all the security and intelligence services of Russia, a very powerful man indeed, a master of how to foil the CIA and MI6. Just to give you an example: Between 2018 and 2021 – a period of three years – Russia caught more than 2,000 spies, and foiled many plots. So he is extremely well aware of the plots and plans of Russia’s enemies.

Putin was aware that the West were intent on creating a wave of hybrid-war across Central Asia.

Back in November, Patrushev’s laser was already focused on the degrading security situation in Afghanistan. Tajik political scientist Parviz Mullojanov was among the very few who were stressing that there were as many as 8,000 Salafi-jihadi assets, shipped by a rat line from Syria and Iraq, loitering in the wilds of northern Afghanistan. That’s the bulk of ISIS-Khorasan – or ISIS reconstituted near the borders of Turkmenistan. Some of them were duly transported to Kyrgyzstan. From there, it was very easy to cross the border from Bishek and show up in Almaty.

It took no time for Patrushev and his team to figure out, after the empire’s retreat from Kabul, how this jihadi reserve army would be used: along the 7,500 km-long border between Russia and the Central Asian ‘stans’. That explains, among other things, a record number of preparation drills conducted in late 2021 at the 210th Russian military base in Tajikistan.

Virtually no one knows about it. But last December, another coup was discreetly thwarted in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek. Kyrgyz Intel sources attribute the engineering to a rash of NGOs linked with Britain and Turkey. That introduces an absolutely key facet of The Big Picture: NATO-linked Intel and their assets may have been preparing a simultaneous color revolution offensive across Central Asia. During his 29-year rule, Nazarbayev played a multi-vector game that was too westernized and which did not necessarily benefit Kazakhstan. He adopted British laws, played the pan-Turkic card with Erdogan, and allowed a tsunami of NGOs to promote a Western agenda. The breakdown of the messy Kazakh op necessarily starts with the usual suspects: the US Deep State, which all but “sang” its strategy in a 2019 RAND corporation report, “Extending Russia.“ Chapter 4, on “geopolitical measures”, details everything from “providing lethal aid to Ukraine”, “promoting regime change in Belarus”, and “increasing support for Syrian rebels” – all major fails – to “reducing Russian influence in Central Asia.” That was the master concept. Implementation fell to the MI6–Turk connection.

The CIA and MI6 had been investing in dodgy outfits in Central Asia since at least 2005, when they encouraged the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), then close to the Taliban, to wreak havoc in southern Kyrgyzstan. Nothing happened. It was a completely different story by May 2021, when the MI6’s Jonathan Powell met the leadership of Jabhat al-Nusra – which harbors a lot of Central Asian jihadis – somewhere on the Turkish-Syrian border near Idlib. The deal was that these ‘moderate rebels’ – in US terminology – would cease to be branded ‘terrorists’ as long as they followed the anti-Russia NATO agenda. That was one of the key prep moves ahead of the jihadist ratline to Afghanistan – complete with Central Asia branching out.

MI6 is deeply entrenched in all the ‘stans’ except autarchic Turkmenistan – cleverly riding the pan-Turkish offensive as the ideal vehicle to counter Russia and China. Yet both Russia and China are very much aware that Turkey essentially represents NATO entering Central Asia.

Every color revolution needs a ‘Maximus’ Trojan horse. In our case, that seems to be the role of former head of KNB (National Security Committee) Karim Massimov, now held in prison and charged with treason. Hugely ambitious, Massimov is half-Uyghur, and that, in theory, obstructed what he saw as his pre-ordained rise to power. His connections with Turkish Intel are not yet fully detailed, unlike his cozy relationship with Joe Biden and son. A former Minister of Internal Affairs and State Security, Lt Gen Felix Kulov, has weaved a fascinating tangled web explaining the possible internal dynamics of the ‘coup’ built into the color revolution.

According to Kulov, Massimov and Samir Abish, the nephew of recently ousted Kazakh Security Council Chairman Nursultan Nazarbayev, were up to their necks in supervising ‘secret’ units of ‘bearded men’ during the riots. The KNB was directly subordinated to Nazarbayev, who until last week was the chairman of the Security Council.

When Tokayev understood the mechanics of the coup, he demoted both Massimov and Samat Abish. Then Nazarbayev ‘voluntarily’ resigned from his life-long chairmanship of the Security Council. Abish then got this post, promising to stop the ‘bearded men,’ and then to resign. So that would point directly to a Nazarbayev-Tokayev clash. It makes sense as, Tokayev is a very smart operator. Trained by the foreign service of the former USSR, fluent in Russian and Chinese, he is totally aligned with Russia-China – which means fully in sync with the masterplan of the BRI, the Eurasia Economic Union, and the SCO. Tokayev, much like Putin and Xi, understands how this BRI/EAEU/SCO triad represents the ultimate imperial nightmare, and how destabilizing Kazakhstan – a key factor in the triad – would be a mortal coup against Eurasian integration. Kazakhstan, after all, represents 60 percent of Central Asia’s GDP, massive oil/gas and mineral resources, cutting-edge high tech industries: a secular, unitary, constitutional republic bearing a rich cultural heritage. It didn’t take long for Tokayev to understand the merits of immediately calling the CSTO to the rescue: Kazakhstan signed the treaty way back in 1994. After all, Tokayev was fighting a foreign-led coup against his government.

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev framed it succinctly. Riots were “hidden behind unplanned protests.” The goal was “to seize power” – a coup attempt. Actions were “coordinated from a single center.” And “foreign militants were involved in the riots.”

Putin went further: during the riots, “Maidan technologies were used,” a reference to the Ukrainian square where 2013 protests unseated a NATO-unfriendly government. Defending the prompt intervention of CSTO peacekeeping forces in Kazakhstan, Putin said, “it was necessary to react without delay.” The CSTO will be on the ground “as long as necessary,” but after the mission is accomplished, “of course, the entire contingent will be withdrawn from the country.” CSTO forces left after a week, whereby they crushed the CIA coup. But here’s the clincher: “CSTO countries have shown that they will not allow chaos and ‘color revolutions’ to be implemented inside their borders.” Putin was in synch with Kazakh State Secretary Erlan Karin, who was the first, on the record, to apply the correct terminology to events in his country: What happened was a “hybrid terrorist attack,” by both internal and external forces, aimed at overthrowing the government.

Yet, they are just one nexus in western nebulae of Hybrid War fog deployed across Central Asia, and West Asia for that matter. Here we see the CIA and the US Deep State crisscrossing MI6 and different strands of Turkish Intel. When President Tokayev was referring in code to a “single center,” he meant a so far ‘secret’ US-Turk-Israeli military-intel operations room based in the southern business hub of Almaty, according to a highly placed Central Asia Intel source. In this “center,” there were 22 Americans, 16 Turks and 6 Israelis coordinating sabotage gangs – trained in West Asia by the Turks – and then rat-lined to Almaty.

The op started to unravel for good when Kazakh forces – with the help of Russian/CSTO Intel – retook control of the vandalized Almaty airport, which was supposed to be turned into a hub for receiving foreign military supplies.

The Hybrid War the West had planned and lost must have stunned it and made it livid at how the CSTO intercepted the Kazakh operation at such lightning speed. The key element is that the secretary of Russian National Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, saw the Big Picture eons ago. So, it’s no mystery why Russia’s aerospace and aero-transported forces, plus the massive necessary support infrastructure, were virtually ready to go.

Putin, among others, has stressed how an official Kazakh investigation is the only one entitled to get to the heart of the matter. Rushed to only a few days before the start of the Russia-US ‘security guarantees’ in Geneva, this color revolution represented a sort of counter-ultimatum – in desperation – by the NATO establishment.

Central Asia, West Asia, and the overwhelming majority of the Global South have witnessed the lightning fast Eurasian response by the CSTO troops – who, having now done their job, and left Kazakhstan in a couple of days – and how this color revolution has failed, miserably. It might as well be the last. Beware the rage of a humiliated Empire.

This spectacular run of defeats suggests that the age of the U.S. dominating the world as its one remaining superpower is now at a cross-roads. It suggests that the fearsome spectre of violent military might is losing its fangs. It seems the era of the U.S. Empire is coming to an end. Then there’s the clincher, revealed by a high-level U.S. Intel source.

In 2013, the late Zbigniew “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski was presented with a classified report on Russian advanced missiles. He freaked out and responded by conceptualizing Maidan 2014 – to draw Russia into a guerrilla war then as he had done with Afghanistan in the 1980s.


1999: Putin become President. He faces his first challenge from the two families in Chechnya. He crushes the jihadist insurrection in the Caucasus.
2001 June: The SCO is formed, which leads a panicked Rockefeller Empire to activate a military move into Central Asia , which then took place on September 2001 – 9/11.
2003 March: The US invades Iraq – Putin helps the Iraqi Resistance with military equipment, including the Kornet anti-tank missiles.
2005 May: The CIA attempts a Color Revolution and a coup in Uzbekistan. The leader, Karimov, then cuts US ties, and closes a US base next to the Afghan order. Uzbekistan moves closer to Russia, while the US is out.
2007 February: Putin’s speech at Munich shocks the 2 families- now the gloves are off
2008 August: Georgia invades Russia – and is defeated within 3 days
2008 September: Financial crash
2010 December: Arab Spring
2011 March: Destabilization of Syria begins
2012: Xi Jinping becomes President of China- and the US “pivots” East
2014: the Maidan coup in Ukraine
July 2014: As Putin was returning to Russia after the BRICS summit in Brazil, his plane overflew Ukraine. The CIA targeted his plane, but the wrong plane was shot down – Malaysian Airlines MH17.
2015 September: Russia goes to help Syria
2018: Putin unveils Russia’s advance military hardware – the Pentagon has a cardiac event
2021 September: Belarus color revolution fails against Putin ally Lukashenko
2021 December: Russian intelligence thwarted a coup attempt in Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyztan. NATO missile systems in Romania and Poland about to become operational. This last point has been explained above.
2022 January: Russia puts down an attempted CIA/MI6 coup in Kazakhstan

And here we are now: it’s all a matter of unfinished business. And, now we come to Ukraine.

Russia/Putin & the West Part 2

by Sam Parker
Behind the News Network


Ukraine and Russia were so intertwined economically, socially and culturally, especially in the east of the country, that they were almost indistinguishable from one another. Most of Russia’s natural gas pipelines from West Siberia flowed through Ukraine on their way to Germany, France and other European states. In military strategic terms, a non-neutral Ukraine in NATO would pose a fatal security blow to Russia. In the age of advanced US weapons and anti-missile defenses, this was just what Washington wanted.

A look at the map of Eurasian geography revealed a distinct pattern to the CIA-sponsored Color Revolutions after 2000. They were clearly aimed at isolating Russia and ultimately cutting her economic lifeline – her pipeline networks that carried Russia’s huge reserves of oil and gas from the Urals and Siberia to Western Europe and Eurasia-straight through Ukraine.

The unspoken agenda of Washington’s aggressive Central Asia policies after the collapse of the Soviet Union could be summed up in a single phase: control of energy. So long as Russia was able to use its strategic trump card — its vast oil and gas reserves – to win economic allies in Western Europe, China and elsewhere, it could not be politically isolated. The location of various Color Revolutions was aimed directly at encircling Russia and cutting off, at any time, her export pipelines. With more than half of Russia’s dollar export earnings coming from its oil and gas exports, such encirclement would amount to an economic chokehold on Russia by US-led NATO.

Russia was the only power with enough strategic nuclear deterrence potential, as well as sufficient energy reserves, to make a credible counterweight to global US military and political nuclear primacy. Moreover, a Eurasian combination of China and Russia, plus allied Eurasian states (mainly Central Asian ), presented an even greater counterweight to unilateral US dominance. Following the 1998 Asian financial crises, Beijing and Moscow formed a mutual security agreement with surrounding states, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. In June 2001, Uzbekistan joined, and the group renamed itself the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or the SCO. This was the catalyst that forced the Rockefeller Empire to carry out the terror act of 9/11, in order to justify an invasion of Central Asia – with the aim to disrupt this alliance.

One of the leading advocates of an American global supremacy – Rockefeller strategist and close friend – Zbigniew Brzezinski, described the significance of Ukraine’s pivot in his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard. He wrote:

“Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire…If Moscow regains control over Ukraine, with its 52 million people and major resources as well as access to the Black Sea, Russia automatically again regains the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia…”

Brzezinski, a student of Halford Mackinder geopolitics, described the role of “pivot” states:

“Geopolitical pivots are the states whose importance is derived not from their power and motivation but rather from their sensitive location… which in some cases gives them a special role in either defining access to important areas or in denying resources to a significant player…”

“It cannot be stressed enough that without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine suborned and then subordinated, Russia automatically becomes an empire”

Ukraine, like few other Eurasian countries, is a product of its special geography, as it uniquely straddles east and west. It is what Halford Mackinder, the British father of geopolitics—the study of the relations of political power to geography—called a “pivot” state. Ukraine uniquely transforms the geopolitical position of Russia, for better or worse.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Washington went all out to support a break between Russia and Ukraine. The goal was to use Ukraine as a buffer to block closer integration between Russia and Europe, especially Germany.

The country Ukraine itself is an historical anomaly. Almost 1000 years ago, Kievan Rus under Vladimir the Great had been the empire of the East Slavic peoples of today’s Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. For more than 350 years, Kievan Rus east of the Dnieper River had been a part of the Russian Czarist Empire. After 1795 Ukraine was divided, as a result of wars of partitioning Poland, between the Orthodox Tsardom of Russia and Roman Catholic Habsburg Austria.

As such a pivot state, Ukraine’s history has been tragic. In 1922 it was forced to become one of the founding republics of the Soviet Union after a bloody war with the Red Army. In the 1930’s, Stalin initiated a gruesome chapter in both Russian but especially Ukrainian history, which still burns in the memories of the descendants in the Catholic rural agricultural west of Ukraine. In 1932 and 1933, millions of people, mostly peasants, in Ukraine starved to death in a politically induced famine, the Holodomor, due to Stalin’s “liquidation of the Kulak class,” the more or less independent farmers to introduce forced collectivization of agriculture. Some 6 to 8 million people died from hunger in the Soviet Union during this period, of which at least 4 to 5 million were Ukrainians. Ironically, Nikita Khrushchev, the man who in the 1950’s initiated de-Stalinization, was the head of the Ukrainian Communist Party in 1935 overseeing Stalin’s Holodomor.

After Stalin’s death, now as head of the Communist Party of Soviet Union, Khrushchev decided to administratively transfer the Crimea to the Ukraine within the USSR in 1954, though the Crimean population was overwhelmingly ethnic Russian.

In the largely agricultural west of Ukraine, the famous “breadbasket of Europe,” the population is historically Roman Catholic, going back centuries. The Eastern parts of Ukraine—Donbass, Donetsk, Crimea—are historically Eastern Orthodox in religion and are Russian-speaking. The east is also the center of most Ukrainian industry from military manufacture to steel, to coal to oil and gas.

The 2014 Maidan Coup d’état

In 2013 there was intense debate inside the cabinet. The issue was the economic future of the floundering Ukraine—whether east with Russia into the new Eurasian Common Market together with Belarus and Kazakhstan, or to the west with a “special” association (not even a real full membership) with the European Union.

After a period of vacillation, and a final economic offer from Russia, Janukovich told EU ministers in November, 2013 that Ukraine would postpone talks for EU association and would join Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union, given the situation, a far more attractive proposition for Ukraine.

At that point, within minutes of Janukovich’s announcement, Ukraine’s “Second Color Revolution,” was initiated. The protests started in the night of 21 November 2013. Via Twitter, Yatsenyuk called for protests, which he dubbed as Euromaidan, on Maidan Square, outside the main Government buildings.

What then ensued in Ukraine is to this day almost entirely unknown in the West. The reason is a total media blackout, led by CNN, BBC, the New York Times, and Washington Post. It has been a de facto NATO wartime press censorship, originating in Washington at the highest levels

That Kiev coup regime proceeded after February 22, 2014 to wage a war of extermination and ethnic cleansing of Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine, led to a large degree by a private army of literal neo-Nazis from Pravy Sektor (Right Sector), the same ones who ran security in Maidan Square and launched a reign of terror against Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Battalions were formed of neo-Nazi mercenaries. They were given official state status as “Ukrainian National Guard” soldiers, the Azov Battalion, financed by Ukrainian mafia boss and billionaire oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky, the financial backer of Zelenskyy as president.


By the late 2021, a huge military buildup had taken place within eastern Ukraine. The aim was to crush, kill, and destroy the Donbass region, and its citizens. There was a calculation by the CIA that Putin would be forced to enter Ukraine in order for this conflict not to enter into Russia itself.

The Russian military was undergoing exercises on its borders with Ukraine during the last quarter of 2021. It moved equipment and troops to its western front. Putin was receiving reports from his intelligence services of an imminent attack by the Ukrainians towards the Donbass region.

In late November, Putin sent a demand to Washington that peace requires guarantees from Washington. These were three: Ukraine to be a neutral state. No nuclear missiles to be stationed in Ukraine. Ukraine will not be a member of NATO. Weeks had passed, but Washington did not respond. Their intention was to force Putin to enter the Donbass in support of the Russian-speaking people there.

Starting on February 17th, the Ukrainian military began shelling the Donbass, practically non-stop. A few days later, Putin received intelligence that Ukraine has prepared a “dirty nuclear “bomb, and were prepared to use it. The tipping point was when confirmation came that Washington was preparing to install nuclear-tipped missiles (which would take 5 minutes from launch to target – meaning not enough time for the Russian military to detect, confirm, and launch counter measures) were poised to strike Moscow from either Poland or Western Ukraine. On February 19, at the Munich Security Council (the very same place where Putin shocked the world in 2007), Ukrainian President Zelenskyy made his threat to deploy nuclear weapons on Ukrainian territory. He expressed this as his unilateral revocation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, although Ukraine was not a signatory of the agreement. Two days later on the evening of February 21, Putin made his speech recognizing the sovereign independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, and the start of the military campaign in the Ukraine. He explicitly referenced Zelenskyy’s Munich nuclear weapons pledge: “This is not empty bravado,” Putin stressed in his speech. The next morning, Russia began its special operations, by moving into Eastern Ukraine, and removing the threat to Russia.

Gas Pipelines from Russia into China

The truth is that the Empire has been preparing a war against Russia since at least the mid-90s and that these preparations dramatically accelerated in the past eight years. It means that while western politicians spent the past 30 years or so slowly encircling Russia, Russian force planners successfully reformed the Soviet/Russian armed forces (which were in a terrible shape in the 90s and in a very uneven shape during most of the 80s) into a military capable of taking on all of NATO at once and quickly and very painfully defeat it.

PS: Russian Defense Minister Shoigu just reported that in November the USAF used 10 strategic bombers coming in from both the east and the west to rehearse nuclear strikes on Russia and that they changed course only 20km from the Russian border. It’s a game called “nuclear chicken “. Let’s begin by looking at the AngloZionist policies towards Russia.

The West’s Actions

Second is the now total colonization of Western Europe into the Empire. While NATO moved to the East, the US also took much deeper control of Western Europe which is now administered for the Empire. The Russians are most dismayed at the re-colonization of Western Europe. The ‘loss’ of Western Europe is far more concerning for the Russians than the fact that ex-Soviet colonies in Eastern Europe are now under US colonial administration. Why? Look at this from the Russian point of view.

The Russians all see that the US power is on the decline and that the dollar will, sooner or later, gradually or suddenly, lose its role as the main reserve and exchange currency on the planet (this process has already begun). Simply put – unless the US finds a way to dramatically change the current international dynamic the AngloZionist Empire will collapse. The Russians believe that what the Americans are doing is, at best, to use tensions with Russia to revive a dormant Cold War v2 and, at worst, to actually start a real shooting war in Europe. So a declining Empire with a vital need for a major crisis, a spineless Western Europe unable to stand up for its own interest, a subservient Eastern Europe just begging to turn into a massive battlefield between East and West, and a messianic, rabidly russophobic rhetoric as the background for an increase in military deployments on the Russian border. Is anybody really surprised that the Russians are taking all this very serious?

The Russian Reaction

So let us now examine the Russian reaction to Empire’s stance.

First, the Russians want to make sure that the Americans do not give in into the illusion that a full-scale war in Europe would be like WWII which saw the continental US only suffer a few, tiny, almost symbolic, attacks by the enemy. Since a full scale war in Europe would threaten the very existence of the Russian state and nation, the Russians are now taking measures to make sure that, should that happen, the US would pay an immense price for such an attack. The Russians are now evidently assuming that a conventional threat from the West might materialize in the foreseeable future. They are therefore taking the measures needed to counter that conventional threat.

Since the USA appears to be dead set into deploying an anti-ballistic missile system not only in Europe, but also in the Far East, the Russians are taking the measures to both defeat and bypass this system.

The Russian effort is a vast and a complex one, and it covers almost every aspect of Russian force planning, but there are four examples which would best illustrate the Russian determination not to allow a 22 June 1941 to happen again:

The re-creation of the First Guards Tank Army
The deployment of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system
The deployment of the Sarmat ICBM
The deployment of the Status-6 strategic torpedo

The Re-creation of the First Guards Tank Army

To put it simply – Russia clearly did not believe that there was a conventional military threat from the West and therefore she did not even bother deploying any kind of meaningful military force to defend from such a non-existing threat. This has now dramatically changed.

Russia has officially announced the First Guards Tank Army – 1TGA. Make no mistake, this will be a very large force, exactly the kind of force needed so smash through an attacking enemy forces.

The Deployment of the Iskander-M Operational-Tactical Missile System

The new Iskander-M operational tactical missile system is a formidable weapon by any standard. It is extremely accurate, it has advanced anti-ABM capabilities, it flies at hypersonic speeds and is practically undetectable on the ground. This will be the missile tasked with destroying all the units and equipment the US and NATO have forward-deployed in Eastern Europe and, if needed, clear the way for the 1TGA.

The Deployment of the Sarmat ICBM

Neither the 1TGA nor the Iskander-M missile will threaten the US homeland in any way. Russia thus needed some kind of weapon which would truly strike fear into the Pentagon and White House in the way the famous RS-36 Voevoda (aka SS-18 “Satan” in US classification) did during the Cold War. The SS-18, the most powerful ICBM ever developed, was scary enough. The RS-28 “Sarmat” (SS-X-30 by NATO classification) brings the terror to a totally new level.

The Sarmat is nothing short of amazing. It will be capable of carrying 10-15 MIRVed warheads which will be delivered in a so-called “depressed” (suborbital) trajectory and which will remain maneuverable at hypersonic speeds. The missile will not have to use the typical trajectory over the North Pole but will be capable of reaching any target anywhere on the planet from any trajectory. All these elements combined will make the Sarmat itself and its warheads completely impossible to intercept.

The Sarmat will also be capable of delivering conventional hypersonic warheads capable of a “kinetic strike” which could be used to strike a fortified enemy target in a non-nuclear conflict. This will be made possible by the amazing accuracy of the Sarmat’s warheads.

The Sarmat’s silos will be protected by a unique “active protection measures” which will include 100 guns capable of firing a “metallic cloud” of forty thousand 30mm “bullets” to an altitude of up to 6km. The Russians are also planning to protect the Sarmat with their new S-500 air defense systems. Finally, the Sarmat’s preparation to start time will be under 60 seconds thanks a highly automated launch system. What this all means is that the Sarmat missile will be invulnerable in its silo, during its flight and on re-entry in the lower parts of the atmosphere.

It is interesting to note that while the USA has made a great deal of noise around its planned Prompt Global Strike system, the Russians have already begun deploying their own version of this concept.

The Deployment of the Status-6 Strategic Torpedo

What is shown here is an “autonomous underwater vehicle” which has advanced navigational capabilities but which can also be remote controlled and steered from a specialized command module. This vehicle can dive as deep as 1000m, at a speed up to 185km/h and it has a range of up to 10,000 Km. It is delivered by specially configured submarines.

The Status-6 system can be used to target aircraft carrier battle groups, US navy bases (especially SSBN bases) and, in its most frightening configuration, it can be used to deliver high-radioactivity cobalt bombs capable of laying waste to huge expanses of land. The Status-6 delivery system is capable of delivering a 100 megaton warhead which would make it twice as powerful as the most powerful nuclear device ever detonated, the Soviet Czar-bomb (57 megatons). Hiroshima was only 15 kilotons.

Keep in mind that most of the USA’s cities and industrial centers are all along the coastline which makes them extremely vulnerable to torpedo based attacks (be it Sakharov’s proposed “Tsunami bomb” or the Status-6 system). And, just as in the case of the Iskander-M or the Sarmat ICBM, the depth and speed of the Status-6 torpedo would make it basically invulnerable to interception.

Take the Kalibr cruise-missile recently seen in the war in Syria. Did you know that it can be shot from a typical commercial container, like the ones you will find on trucks, trains or ships? Just remember that the Kalibr has a range of anywhere between 50 Km to 4000 Km and that it can carry a nuclear warhead. How hard would it be for Russia to deploy these cruise missiles right off the US coast in regular container ships? Or just keep a few containers in Cuba or Venezuela? This is a system which is so undetectable that the Russians could deploy it off the coast of Australia to hit the NSA station in Alice Springs if they wanted, and nobody would even see it coming.

The reality is that the notion that the US could trigger a war against Russia (or China for that matter) and not suffer the consequences on the US mainland is absolutely ridiculous. So sometimes things have to be said directly and unambiguously – western politicians better not believe in their own imperial hubris. So far, all their threats have achieved is that the Russians have responded with a many but futile verbal protests and a full-scale program to prepare Russia for WWIII.

First, he confirmed that the Sarmat ICBM would replace the old but already formidable SS-18 “Satan”. Then he turned to new weapon systems:

A nuclear powered cruise missile with basically unlimited range
A nuclear powered unmanned submersible with intercontinental range, very high speed, silent propulsion and capable of moving a great depths
A Mach 10 hypersonic missile with a 2,000 kilometer range (named: Kinzhal)
A new strategic missile capable of Mach 20 velocities (named: Avangard)

All of these systems can be armed with conventional or nuclear warheads. Just think of the implications! Not only does that mean that the entire ABM effort of the USA is now void and useless, but also that from now US aircraft carrier battle groups can only be used against small, defenseless, nations!

It Is Official and It Is Over

While the whole Western media are shaking (incompetence will do this to one) in their boots from Vladimir Putin’s address, where he demonstrated, among many things, new RS-28 Sarmat ballistic missile, behind that revolutionary weapon system, one was almost completely ignored by media. Again, “education” based on catch phrases (such a “nuclear weapon) will do this to one. By far most shocking (albeit inevitable) revelation was deployment of a new hyper-sonic missile Kinzhal weapon. The missile is… well, for the lack of better word, stunning – it is M10+ highly maneuverable missile with the range of 2,000 kilometers. The naval warfare as we know it is over. Without any overly-dramatic emphasis – we are officially in new era. No, I repeat, NO, modern or prospective air-defense system deployed today by any NATO fleet can intercept even a single missile with such characteristics. The salvo of 5-6 of such missiles is a guaranteed destruction of any Carrier Battle Group (CBG).

The mode of use of such weapon, especially since we know now that it is deployed (for now) in Southern Military District is very simple – the most likely missile drop spot by MiG-31s will be international waters of the Black Sea, thus closing off whole Eastern Mediterranean to any surface ship or group of ships. It also creates a massive no-go zone in the Pacific, where MiG-31s from Yelizovo will be able to patrol vast distances over the ocean. It is, though, remarkable that the current platform for Kinzhal is MiG-31 – arguably the best interceptor in the history. Obviously, MiG-31’s ability to reach very high supersonic speeds (in excess of M3) is a key factor in the launch. But no matter what are the procedures for the launch of this terrifying weapon, the conclusions are simple:

It moves aircraft carriers into the niche of pure power projection against weak and defenseless adversaries;
It makes classic CBGs as main strike force against peer completely obsolete and useless; it also makes any surface combat ship defenseless regardless its air-defense capabilities.
Sea Control and Sea Denial change their nature and merge. Those who have such weapon, or weapons, simply own vast spaces of the sea limited by the ranges of Kinzhal and its carriers.

I don’t want to sound dramatic and I know that there were and are always surprises in Soviet/Russian weapons development but today’s revelations from the highest podium in Russia about Kinzhal were shocking. The balance of power just shifted dramatically, and with it the naval warfare, as we knew it, is no more.

It is OVER!

“There is nothing in the U.S. arsenal now and in the foreseeable future which can intercept Mach 9 -10+, let alone Mach 20 – 27, targets. That’s the issue. It is indeed set, match and game over for the Empire: there is no more military option against Russia. So what do these people want? They want to provoke Moscow by all means available to exercise “Russian aggression”, resulting in an attack on Ukraine, but with zero casualties for NATO and the Pentagon. Then the Empire of Chaos will blame Russia; unleash a tsunami of fresh sanctions, especially financial; and try to shut off all economic links between Russia and NATO.

All exponents of Russian leadership, starting with President Putin, have already made it clear, over and over again, what happens if the Ukro-dementials start a blitzkrieg over Donbass: Ukraine will be mercilessly smashed – and that applies not only to the ethno-fascist gang in Kiev. Ukraine will cease to exist as a state.

It’s all about Minsk

It remains to be seen how this “de-confliction” will happen in practice when Defense Minister Shoigu revealed U.S. nuclear-capable bombers have been practicing, in their sorties across Eastern Europe, to enhance “their ability to use nuclear weapons against Russia”. Shoigu discussed that in detail with Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe: after all the Americans will certainly pull the same stunt against China. The root cause of all this drama is stark: Kiev simply refuses to respect the February 2015 Minsk Agreement. In a nutshell, the deal stipulated that Kiev should grant autonomy to Donbass via a constitutional amendment, referred to as “special status”; issue a general amnesty; and start a dialogue with the people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

Over the years, Kiev fulfilled exactly zero commitments – while the proverbial NATO media machine incessantly pounded global opinion with fake news, spinning that Russia was violating Minsk. Russia is not even mentioned in the agreement. Moscow in fact always respected the Minsk Agreement – which translates as regarding Donbass as an integral, autonomous part of Ukraine. Moscow has zero interest in promoting regime change in Kiev. On the Minsk agreements, Putin’s to Zelinsky message was blunt: “The President of Ukraine has said that he does not like any of the clauses of the Minsk agreements. Like it, or not – be patient, my beauty. They must be fulfilled.”

Looking at all of these moves against Russia since taking office, plus knowing full well the aim of the Rockefeller Empire was to “de-construct Russia, and break it up into three parts, Putin said “enough is enough” It was time to fight back. Since 2000, Putin bided his time, making Russia strong, getting rid of internal and external enemies, building up her military and financial strength, and producing such advanced weapons for which the West has no defense against. For the first time in a century, a military superpower Russia, having had enough of U.S./NATO bullying, is now dictating the terms of a new arrangement.

Coming straight from President Putin, it did sound like a bolt from the sky:

“We need long-term legally binding guarantees even if we know they cannot be trusted, as the U.S. frequently withdraws from treaties that become uninteresting to them. But it’s something, not just verbal assurances.” And that’s how Russia-U.S. relations come to the definitive crunch – after an interminable series of polite red alerts coming from Moscow.

Putin once again had to specify that Russia is looking for “indivisible, equitable security” – a principle established since Helsinki in 1975 – even though he no longer sees the U.S. as a dependable “partner”, that diplomatically nicety so debased by the Empire since the end of the USSR. So in the end it comes down to Europeans facing “the prospect of turning the continent into a field of military confrontation.” That will be the inevitable consequence of a NATO “decision” actually decided in Washington.

Incidentally: any possible, future “counter threats” will be coordinated between Russia and China.

Most people by now know the content of the Russian draft agreements on security guarantees presented to the Americans. Key provisions include no further NATO expansion; no Ukraine admission; no NATO shenanigans in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Transcaucasia and Central Asia; Russia and NATO agreeing not to deploy intermediate and short-range missiles in areas from where they can hit each other’s territory; establishment of hotlines; and the NATO-Russia Council actively involved in resolving disputes.

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs extensively reiterated that the Americans received “detailed explanations of the logic of the Russian approach”, so the ball is in Washington’s court.

In fact, whether U.S. and NATO functionaries like it or not, what’s really happening in the realpolitk realm is Russia dictating new terms from a position of power. In a nutshell: you may learn the new game in town in a peaceful manner, civilized dialogue included, or you will learn the hard way via a dialogue with Russia’s missile stars – Iskandr, Kalibr, Khinzal , Zircon, and many more in the pipeline. The Pentagon has nothing close to any of these. These weapons are game-changing.

Do note that the US military has been on a technological decline over the past two decades. In addition, the cost structures of new systems are such, that its peer competitors – Russia and China – do build better equipment at FAR LOWER COSTS. And, they work, unlike many new systems in the Pentagon and western militaries. Finally, the adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan have broken the back of the US military. It is not what it once was.

President Putin declared that the Russian ultimatum was not an ultimatum, as have several other Russian officials. Putin said:

We already see that some of our ill-wishers, frankly speaking, interpret them as an ultimatum from Russia. Of course not. I remind you once again, I want to remind you: everything that our partners did, so we will call them, Yugoslavia was bombed under what pretext? What, with the sanction of the Security Council, or what? Where is Yugoslavia and where is the USA? Destroyed the country. Yes, there was an internal conflict, they had their own problems, but who gave the right to strike at the European capital? No one. They just decided that, and the vassals ran behind them and nodded. That’s all international law.

And under what pretext did you enter Iraq? Development of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You entered, destroyed the country, created a hotbed of international terrorism, and then it turned out that “we” were mistaken, and then they said: “The intelligence let us down.” Wow! The country was destroyed! Intelligence failed – and the whole explanation. It turns out that there were no weapons of mass destruction there, no one was preparing them. On the contrary, once there was an attempt, [but] everything was destroyed as it should be.

How did you go to Syria? With the approval of the Security Council? No. They do what they want. But what they are now doing on the territory of Ukraine, or trying to do and planning to do, is not thousands of kilometers from our national border – this is at the doorstep of our house. They must understand that we simply have nowhere to retreat further.

Specialists sit here; I am in constant contact with them. There are no hypersonic weapons in the United States yet, but we know when they will appear, they cannot be hidden. Everything is recorded: the tests are successful – unsuccessful. Clearly, we roughly understand when it will be. They will supply Ukraine with hypersonic weapons, and then under its cover – this does not mean that they will use them tomorrow, because we already have Zircon, but they do not have it yet – they will arm and push extremists from a neighboring state into including to certain regions of the Russian Federation, say the Crimea, under favorable, as they believe, circumstances for themselves.

Do they think we don’t see these threats? Or do they think that we will helplessly look at the threats posed to Russia?This is the whole problem, we simply have nowhere to move out – that is the question.”

This then is Putin’s red line.

In plain English, this means this: oh no, this is not at all an ultimatum. But we remind you that you attacked other countries and all we are saying is that if you continue or do not heed our warnings, then we will be free to do whatever we deem necessary. But no, of course not, this is not an ultimatum at all.

First, Putin is both very predictable and, at the same time, very unpredictable. The predictable thing about Putin is that he only uses force when there is no other option left. The very unpredictable thing about Putin is how and where he is willing to use force. Russia has a huge advantage over US+NATO in electronic warfare (from the tactical to the strategic level) and it can easily use it to a devastating effect while NATO has nothing to retaliate in kind. This, by the way, also applies to the Middle-East where, apparently, Russia has the means to disrupt/spoof GPS signals over the entire region.

The power of the Russian ultimatum is precisely in the fact that the Russians have promised to do “something” military and/or military-technical, but have not spelled out what that “something” might be. In reality, we are not dealing with one single “something”, but a succession of gradual steps which will bring more and more pressure to bear on the US and NATO/EU . Keep in mind that while the USA can make counter-proposals they are in no position to make any credible threats, hence the fundamental asymmetry between the two sides: Russian can make credible threats, while the US can produce only mere words, something the Russians have basically stopped paying attention to.

From now on, the game is simple: Russia will gradually turn up the “pain dial” and see how the Empire will cope with this. China will be doing the exact same as Russian and Chinese actions are obviously carefully coordinated. At which point Russia and China would have won.

How soon will Russia turn up the pain dial? Putin has just repeated today that no US delaying tactics will be acceptable to Russia. A not-so-diplomatic message was sent to the West. “If you don’t want to talk to Lavrov, then you will have to deal with Shoigu” – the best one-liner in years.

Putin has declared today that he is “fed up” with the West: “And when international law and the UN Charter interfere with them, they declare all this obsolete and unnecessary. And when something corresponds to their interests, they immediately refer to the norms of international law, the UN Charter, and international humanitarian rules. I’m fed up of such manipulations”.

Now, a very high-level Deep State intel source, retired, comes down to the nitty gritty, pointing out how “the secret negotiations between Russia and the US center around missiles going into Eastern Europe, as the US frantically drives for completing its development of hypersonic missiles.”

The main point is that if the US places such hypersonic missiles in Romania and Poland, as planned, the time for them to reach Moscow would be 5 minutes. It’s even worse for Russia if they are placed in the Baltics. The source notes, “The US plan is to neutralize the more advanced defensive missile systems that seal Russia’s airspace. This is why the US has offered to allow Russia to inspect these missile sites in the future, to prove that there are no hypersonic nuclear missiles. Yet that’s not a solution, as the Raytheon missile launchers can handle both offensive and defensive missiles, so it’s possible to sneak in the offensive missiles at night. Thus everything requires continuous observation.”

The bottom line is stark: “This is the real issue behind the present crisis. The only solution is no missile sites allowed in Eastern Europe.” That happens to be an essential part of Russia’s demands for security guarantees. The West slowly is discovering that that it has no pressure point versus Russia (its economy being relatively sanctions-proof), and its military is no match for that of Russia’s.” In parallel, how “the threat to US dominance is that China, Russia and Mackinder’s Eurasian World Island heartland are offering better trade and investment opportunities than are available from the United States with its increasingly desperate demand for sacrifices from its NATO and other allies.”

The Rockefeller Empire and Washington are at the end of American geopolitical control over Eurasia. Occupied Germany and Japan enforcing the strategic submission of Eurasia from the west down to the east; the ever-expanding NATO; the ever de-multiplied Empire of Bases, all the lineaments of the 75-year-plus free lunch are collapsing.

Way back in August 2020, “the goal of Russian and Chinese policy is to recruit Germany into a triple alliance locking together the Eurasian land mass a la Mackinder into the greatest geopolitical alliance in history, switching world power in favor of these three great powers against Anglo-Saxon sea power.”

The new groove is set to the tune of the New Silk Roads, or BRI; Russia’s unmatched hypersonic power – and now the non-negotiable demands for security guarantees; the advent of RCEP – the largest free trade deal on the planet uniting East Asia; the Empire all but expelled from Central Asia after the Afghan humiliation; and sooner rather than later its expulsion from the first island chain in the Western Pacific, complete with a starring role for the Chinese DF-21D “carrier killer” missiles. So the rules have changed drastically. The Hegemon is naked. The new deal starts with turning the post-Cold War set-up in Eastern Europe completely upside down. The East Med will be next. The Bear is back, baby. Hear him roar.

To achieve its Full Spectrum Dominance, Washington needed not only the resources of its Color Revolutions across Eurasia to encircle Russia. The Pentagon also needed to draw the rope tight around the emerging colossus of Asia, China. There, a different approach was required, given the extreme US financial dependence on China and its economic ties and investments there. To that end, our next article is on China.

Source: Algora.com

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