April 3

Geopolitics and the Green Deal




Even as the Green Deal stutters in Europe, its geopolitical impacts continue to reverberate.

With its Green Deal, the EU linked climate action and industrial development like never before, but it quickly came to realise that China had long occupied this space. When the US joined with its own ‘Inflation Reduction Act’, the party became very crowded.

Green industrial strategy has added a whole new layer to the regular mix of cooperation and competition that defines global politics. And this was very much on display in recent days.

Jonathan Packroff and Eliza Gkritsi explored how Europe is renewing global friendships in pursuit of raw materials which are critical for the energy transition.

Meanwhile European governments preoccupied with China’s cyber presence have a new worry – wind turbines. Nikolaus J. Kurmayer has the story.

Tensions are being felt within Europe too. France is still refusing to set its 2030 target for renewables, against the European Commission’s wishes. Paul Messad has the story.

Green geopolitics will remain the theme for the week ahead. The EU and the US will meet for their 6th ‘Trade and Technology Summit’ on Thursday in Leuven, Belgium.

A key agenda point: how both countries can roll-out their respective green industrial strategies and collaborate to protect against Chinese encroachment, all without stepping on each other’s toes. This will be a delicate dance – the US’s Inflation Reduction Act ruffled quite a few feathers in Brussels when it was announced.

Whether the Green Deal survives past the EU elections or not, the next European Commission will have to grapple with its global consequences.

[Donagh Cagney]

BERLIN. Coal phase-out: Germany shuts down 15 coal-fired power plants. Germany shut down 15 coal-fired power plants over Easter to ensure that the country would meet its climate neutrality targets, with Economy Minister Robert Habeck saying that the plants were “neither necessary nor economical”. Read more.
BUCHAREST. Romania must use Social Climate Fund to reduce energy and transport poverty – report. Romania, which will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Social Climate Fund (SCF), must use the funds for investments that support vulnerable groups and citizens in energy or transport poverty, according to a report by the Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD). Read more.

10 April. Stocktaking on the clean transition dialogues.
10-11 APRIL. Parliament Mini-Plenary (Brussels)
15-16 APRIL. Informal Energy Council
22-25 APRIL. Last Parliament plenary session before the European elections
Circularity requirements for vehicle design and on management of end-of-life vehicles

30 MAY. Energy Council
SPRING 2024. First European Climate Risk Assessment
6-9 JUNE: European elections
17 JUNE. Environment Council (Luxembourg)
27-28 JUNE. European Council

[Edited by Alice Taylor]

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The post Geopolitics and the Green Deal appeared first on Energy News Beat.



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