November 20

FIRST READING: Canadians appear to have stopped caring about climate change


In a recent Angus Reid Institute survey, Canadians were asked which political party they would prefer to manage the country’s climate change file. The winner was the Conservative Party of Canada; 28 per cent wanted the Tories, against 14 per cent who wanted the Liberal status quo.

What’s more, respondents were endorsing a version of the Conservative Party that has very explicitly not prioritized climate change. The Conservatives under leaders Andrew Scheer and Erin O’Toole were very careful about stressing to the electorate that they cared about rising emissions and had a viable plan to bring them down.


But under Poilievre, there are no emissions targets and and he hasn’t released a climate change strategy. The party’s chief issue is abolishing the carbon tax, and whenever someone asks what policy will replace it, the Tory answer is “technology.”

“Small modular nuclear reactors, hydroelectric dams, tidal wave power and other emissions-free energy … get the government out of the way and speed up approvals to green-light green projects,” said Poilievre earlier this month.

And if polls are to be believed, none of this is holding back the Tories’ massive surge in popularity. After years of received wisdom that a Conservative could not become Canadian prime minister without an aggressive emissions plan, Poilievre is on course for one of the biggest landslides in the country’s history.

It’s just the latest sign that — after years of Canadians ranking climate change as one of their most pressing national issues — they suddenly seem to have lost interest.

When Trudeau was first elected prime minister in 2015, one of the Liberal Party’s strongest issues — and the one which they statistically had one of the largest mandates — was the issue of emissions reduction.

In the lead-up to the vote, an Angus Reid Institute poll found that 56 per cent of Canadians were frustrated that the Canadian government had not spent enough attention on climate change. One fifth of all respondents, meanwhile, reported that the climate would be a “deciding factor” in their vote.

Shortly after Trudeau’s victory, a Nanos poll found 73 per cent agreeing that “climate change presents a significant threat to our economic future.” Respondents even thought it had diplomatic consequences, with 79 per cent saying that Canada’s “international reputation” had been harmed by a lacklustre emissions reduction policy.

As to what’s changed in the last eight years, the main reason is likely that the country has been blindsided by a suite of affordability crises. Rent has reached all-time highs — and is still surging by an average of $175 per month. All the while, wages have been in decline for years and are on course for 40 years of sustained stagnation.

Now, when Canadians are asked to rank their top concerns, the top spot is a duel between “economy” and “cost of living” — with climate change lucky if it can crack the top five.


This is even true of young people; the one demographic that can usually be trusted to worry about the environment. In August, an Abacus Data survey of voters aged 18 to 27 found that the top concern, as picked by 73 per cent of respondents, was “the rising cost of living.” In fifth place — with just 29 per cent of respondents pegging it as a top three issue — was “climate change.”


Top three issues among Canadian voters aged 18 to 27. PHOTO BY ABACUS DATA

Canadians have also been increasingly asked to pay for their opinions on climate change. Carbon pricing was broadly popular when Trudeau took office; one survey had 56 per cent of Canadians supporting a price on emissions. As support has dwindled, it’s dropped in almost perfect tandem with the rate of Canadians actually paying the carbon tax.

This was most dramatic in Atlantic Canada, where good feelings on carbon pricing screeched to a halt on July 1 when it became the country’s last region added to the federal carbon pricing scheme.

None of this is to say that Canadians do not believe in climate change, or doubt that it’s the result of human-caused emissions. When queried on the basic science of the phenomenon, a rising share of Canadians think it’s a problem. But the sentiment appears to be that most Canadians don’t want to personally assume any measurable sacrifice or cost.

An Ipsos survey from September hinted at this odd duality. More than 60 per cent of respondents said that “the government” and “corporations” should do more to fight climate change, but large proportions also wanted affordability to take priority. “Yes, there is increased urgency to fight climate change, but there also is increased urgency to battle the affordability crisis that we’re seeing in Canada,” Ipsos Vice President of Public Affairs Sean Simpson told Global at the time.

That new Angus Reid Institute survey mentioned in the introduction asked this question as bluntly as it could, and the results were decisive.

On the statement, “cost of living concerns should come first, even if it damages policies to fight climate change,” 63 per cent said they agreed.




Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is kind of all over the place whenever he tries to weigh in on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Earlier this week he was delivering prepared remarks accusing the Israelis of recklessly killing women and babies. And then, on Thursday the Prime Minister’s Office released a statement that was almost a complete about-turn. Trudeau, said the statement, “expressed his unequivocal condemnation of Hamas’ terrorist attacks, including the atrocious use of Palestinian civilians as human shields.” The statement added that “Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people nor their legitimate aspirations.” The occasion for the turnaround was Trudeau having a phone call with Israeli liberal politician Benny Gantz. While the current Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a decidedly conservative figure, Gantz is his more centrist rival – but has joined Netanyahu in a coalition government to destroy Hamas.

There aren’t many protest movements that target both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre with equal vigour. But only two days after 100 police responded to a mob of pro-Palestinian protesters at a Vancouver restaurant where Trudeau was dining, a clutch of demonstrators screaming “ceasefire now” interrupted a Poilievre rally in London, Ont. After saying Canada was a “free country” where everyone was entitled to their opinion, Poilievre told the group to “hit the road,” adding “the people support my agenda no matter how loud you scream.” PHOTO BY DEREK RUTTAN/LONDON FREE PRESS

Last Saturday, we covered the more influential signatories on a petition inked by more than 700 Canadian academics and lawyers which asserted that the Oct. 7 massacres need to be “contextualized,” rather than condemned. This week yielded an even more extreme petition, also with no shortage of prominent signatories. It accuses Israel of “genocide,” says it’s an “Islamophobia trope” to refer to Hamas as “terrorists,” and then calls it an “unverified accusation” that Hamas terrorists raped their victims. There’s plenty of evidence, both witness and forensic, on that last point, but it didn’t stop several women’s groups from signing on. This included the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre, and Sarah Bayliss, a self-described “family violence researcher.”

This is Austin Lathlin-Bercier, 25, from the Opaskwayak Cree Nation in Northern Manitoba. Lathlin-Bercier was in Romania when the Russian invasion began, and was inspired to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Embassy has confirmed that Lathlin-Bercier was killed on Remembrance Day in fighting near Avdiivka, a city in the Ukrainian east that has been subject to an all-out attempt at capture by Russian forces. PHOTO BY HANDOUT

Plastic straws are back (sort of). Straws were among a handful of single-use plastic items (including grocery bags and stir sticks) that were banned by the Trudeau government under the assertion that they were “toxic” as defined by the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. But a federal court just ruled that it’s “unreasonable and unconstitutional” to simply declare an entire class of consumer products as “toxic” without providing any compelling evidence as to why they’re toxic. While this certainly throws a wrench in the government’s plans to purge plastic straws from Canada, any sufficiently creative government lawyer can probably think of a new way to bring the hammer down on straw usage, which is why law professor Stewart Elgie told the National Post that (absent any legislative change) paper straws are probably here to stay.

This was the scene inside Scotiabank headquarters on Friday, as protesters refused to leave while accusing the bank of “genocide” via its investment in Israeli companies. Friday also yielded the police-assisted evacuation of a Toronto-area Hebrew school following a bomb threat. PHOTO BY X.COM


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