February 14

Do Municipal Politicians Actually know Where Electricity Comes From



Based on what’s happening around the world, here in Canada and in your local village, town, or city it should seem apparent that many of the politicians we elect are totally convinced mankind is causing global warming. At the same time, they have been convinced by the eco-warriors that we must stop using fossil fuels to heat our homes and to generate electricity.  Here in Ontario many of those politicians don’t understand; without natural gas to heat our homes or to generate electricity we would suffer devastating circumstances.

Yesterday, February 12th was a perfect example those politicians should be aware of! Those politicians; with the beliefs echoed by members of the “Church of the Climate Cult” such as the OCAA (Ontario Clean Air Alliance), number in the hundreds and are spread throughout the province in 35 municipalities who have endorsed the OCAA’s “natural gas phaseout” push!  It is truly shocking to see how many there are and how much of the population would be affected, including all of the major cities such as Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, Missisauga, Kingston, Waterloo, Windsor, Oakville, etc. etc. We should wonder, if those politicians were asked; “Where does electricity come from?” would they simply point to an electric outlet in their home or office?

Would they be aware of how that electricity got to that office plug or what generated it?  If they bothered to take some time and look at IESO Data, just for yesterday, they may have second thoughts about supporting the absurdity proposed by the OCAA and their fellow “cult” members such as Environmental Defence. Yesterday demonstrated the repercussions (blackouts or brownouts) that might have come into play without Ontario’s natural gas plants being “at the ready” to ramp up or down as needed! The following data from IESO discloses those facts!

February 12, 2024, IESO Facts

IESO data for yesterday disclosed those IWT (industrial wind turbines) delivered 4,981 MW over 24 hours or a miserly 4.2% of their rated capacity even though they get “first-to-the-grid” rights. Their low point was at Hour 10 when they only managed to deliver 42 MW! At the daily Peak Demand Hour occurring at Hour 19 they delivered 232 MW or 1.2% of that hour’s demand.

While the intermittent and unreliable nature of those IWT continued throughout the day, Ontario’s natural gas plants stepped up to ensure the grid maintained its reliability generating 90,569 MW over the 24 hours and 25% of the Peak Hour demand (4,669 MW). To put the foregoing in context; those 90,569 MW were approximately what over 3 million households (55% of all Ontario households) consume on an average day!

Now, surely those politicians adopting the natural gas phase-out would be capable of understanding without those plants, Ontario would have experienced rolling blackouts that California is famous for and rescind their phase-out push!

Environmental Defence pushes for no natural gas expansion:

As if the push to phase out our natural gas plants wasn’t enough Environmental Defence has filed an Interlocutory Motion to the Ontario Energy Board: “Re Improper Use of Ratepayer Funds by Enbridge Gas Inc” with the objective of getting the OEB to rule Enbridge should not be allowed to use its revenue base to lobby municipalities to allow for expansion of natural gas lines for the purpose of home heating.  The motion suggests Enbridge is lobbying municipalities using ratepayer monies and shouldn’t be allowed.

The foregoing is “humorous” when one realizes Environmental Defence is a very well-funded charity living off the avails and taxes paid by Canada’s industries and individual taxpayers and they have also eagerly applied for and taken federal grants over the years as well as receiving funds from Provincial and Municipal governments. Environmental Defence are also very active lobbyists with the Federal Government often seeking funding. They and six other environmental charities were also once under the investigation of their “charity” status by the CRA but when the Trudeau led Liberal Party gained power that investigation was cancelled.  Hmm, could their extensive lobbying of the Federal Government have been the reason or was Gerald Butts influence the reason?  Will we ever know?


The time has come to push all elected politicians to stop the inane effort to decarbonize our economy and return to sanity unless their objective is to drive us all into energy poverty and move us back to cave dwelling days!

Before you cast your vote the next time ask them two simple questions:

1. Where does electricity come from? and

2. What will keep our house warm on those cold winter days and nights?

Source: Parkergallantenergyperspectivesblog.wordpress.com

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