August 10

De-Banked: It’s Only A Matter Of Time Before It Happens To You


Authored by Nick Giambruno via,

“We are writing to inform you that we cannot continue serving you.

As a result of this decision, your account will be closed within 14 days from the date of this letter.

Any remaining account balances will be sent by check to the address we have on file.”

Sooner or later, expect your bank to send you a letter like this.

They won’t even tell you why they are closing your account, and you will probably have trouble opening accounts at other banks.

De-banking is a disturbing and growing trend.

In short, the ruling elite–parasites, more accurately–have weaponized the banking system to enforce conformity to their preferred narrative.

If you don’t lap up their lies about Covid, climate, elections, wars, rising crime, or whatever the media is hyping as the “current thing,” expect the financial hammer to come down on you without warning.

You could lose your ability to take payment from your customers and pay your bills at the drop of a hat.

We’ve seen banks close the accounts of prominent doctors critical of the Covid mass hysteria and politicians opposed to schemes to centralize power on a global level (globalism).

However, for every example of a bank closing a high-profile person’s account, hundreds–or thousands–of other ordinary people likely receive the same despicable treatment but are never heard from.

Every day people are losing their ability to interact in the economy because the elite have determined they committed a thought crime.

Interestingly, the banks never canceled the accounts of the warmongers who spread the lies about WMD in Iraq or the liars that led to the toppling of the Ghadafi government in Libya and the liars that fueled the Syrian conflict.

All of their bank accounts are in good standing, even though they contributed to the unnecessary deaths of countless innocents.

Nor did the banks close the accounts of those who, for years, peddled the Russiagate lies that tore the country apart or those who claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was phony when it was, in fact, real and probably affected the outcome of an election.

All of their bank accounts are in good standing too.

The banks also did not close Jeffrey Epstein’s accounts, even though they were likely aware of what he was up to.

These are just a few examples of the blatant double standard.

If you are skeptical about whether men can get pregnant or if cow farts will destroy the planet, you should expect very different treatment than Jeffrey Epstein or people whose lies align with the military-industrial complex.

De-banking is another example of how formerly free societies are rapidly descending into high-tech totalitarianism.

It’s only prudent to expect de-banking to worsen as governments fall deeper into bankruptcy and become more desperate to maintain control. Controlling the narrative–partly by de-banking anyone with opposing views–is crucial for them to try to hold on to their power.

Today you can be de-banked for having the wrong opinion. Tomorrow you could be de-banked for even more trivial reasons.

For example, even if you loyally follow whatever the TV tells you to think, the banks may notice you are purchasing “too much” meat or gas and are therefore exceeding your monthly carbon allowance. In the name of saving the planet and maintaining their ESG scores, they’ll close your account.

Think that’s far-fetched?

Consider that already, today, Bank of America shares all gun purchases from its clients with the FBI. It would be naive to assume they and other banks don’t automatically share additional data.

Or that PayPal recently floated the idea of charging people $2,500 for promoting so-called “misinformation”–a vague propaganda term that really means “information the people in charge don’t want you to know because they’re afraid you will come to a conclusion they don’t like.”

It’s not hard to see where the de-banking train is going.

We’re only a few stops away from a full-blown social credit system.

There Is No Free Market in Money and Banking

Money is simply supposed to be something useful for storing and exchanging value.

Banks are simply supposed to be money warehouses.

However, that is not how it works today.

Governments have perverted money and banking into tools to control the population.

An unconvincing argument you may hear is that banks are private companies exercising discretion on their clients. They are within their right to de-bank whoever they want.

They say it is no different from a baker having the right to refuse to bake a cake for someone they don’t like.

You could make that argument if only there was a totally free market in money and banking… but there isn’t. Not even close.

Here’s a more accurate analogy.

Imagine a situation where the only bread available on the market is government bread, and the only way you could obtain such bread is through government-approved bakeries. Independent bakeries would not exist.

The government could then exert overt and subtle pressure on the bakeries to ensure they aligned with their preferred narrative by removing their permission to operate or threatening to. They could also impose fines, start invasive investigations, or add more regulations.

There would be no shortage of ways a bureaucrat could find to make things unpleasant for the bakeries.

The bakeries’ owners know such a dynamic exists, so they enthusiastically fall in line with the “current thing” to avoid problems.

Then, suppose it became known to the bakery that one of their customers had committed a thought crime. They wouldn’t hesitate to throw him to the curb, even if he had been a loyal customer for many years. It simply wouldn’t be worth the potential problems. Word would spread to other bakeries that he was trouble, and they’d avoid his business too.

Since the only bread on the market is government bread, which is only available from government-licensed bakeries, he would be unable to obtain bread.

A similar situation exists today in money and banking.

In Marx’s Communist Manifesto, the 5th plank calls for the “centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.”

That perfectly describes fiat currency and the Federal Reserve, which oversees the banking system.

The free market wouldn’t choose easy-to-produce government confetti as money without laws forcing their use.

Here’s another way to think of it.

Imagine if Tony Soprano forced his neighborhood to use pieces of paper with his signature as money and threatened violence against anyone who disobeyed. That’s what governments are doing with their currencies today.

It’s a far cry from when people used gold–a politically neutral, hard-to-produce asset voluntarily chosen on the market–as money.

That’s why the notion of a free market in money is laughable.

We don’t have free market money; we have communist money forced upon us with violence and threats of violence. Further, for most practical purposes, the banking system is needed to use this lousy “money.”

Similarly, modern banks are not creatures of the free market like the independent money warehouses of the past. Today banks exist at the pleasure and service of the state–and obtain special privileges as a result.

Perhaps the most obvious observation is that there would be zero government bailouts in a free market and certainly no such thing as “too big to fail” banks. Incidentally, it’s no coincidence that the most egregious de-bankers are the “too big to fail” banks.

Further, modern banks resemble government-sanctioned Ponzi Schemes, as they rely on the false belief that depositors’ (fake) money is readily available when, in fact, it isn’t because of fractional reserve banking. If only a tiny portion of depositors demanded their money back, most banks would be in big trouble.

Governments allow banks to commit this fraud that would be illegal in any other industry.

For example, imagine a fractional reserve car dealership or jewelry store where the car salesman and jewelry store owner could create 10x more claims for cars and pieces of jewelry than what actually exists in their inventories. They would be selling claims for goods that don’t exist.

Not only would such a practice be fraudulent, but it would also not be sustainable.

If even a few people who purchased fractional reserve claims on the nonexistent cars and jewelry asked for delivery, it would blow the whole scam up.

The government and the banks understand this dangerous dynamic, which is one reason they created the so-called “lender of last resort,” the Federal Reserve. When the banks get in trouble, the Fed can create new currency units out of thin air to bail them out.

Let me translate it into plain English.

A “lender of last resort” means legalized counterfeiting of the currency to backstop a legalized Ponzi Scheme.

Such blatant fraud would have no place in a free market for money and banking. However, because it is institutionalized and has the government’s blessing, most people thoughtlessly accept the situation as normal.

In a truly free market for money, people would voluntarily choose whatever was most suitable for storing and exchanging value. Historically, that meant gold because it was the one physical commodity that was hardest to produce and most resistant to debasement. Tomorrow it might be Bitcoin.

In a truly free market, banks would cease to be government-sanctioned Ponzi Schemes and revert to their historical role as independent money warehouses. Further, anyone could enter the banking business in a free market; you wouldn’t need the approval of the Federal Reserve cartel, as banks do today.

That’s why the argument that de-banking is simply private companies rightfully exercising discretion is disingenuous.

The Solution

The ideal solution is to get the government entirely out of banking and money and have a totally free market. But that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon.

So what can you do about de-banking?

First, don’t expect to use physical cash as a solution for long.

The elites have long had nefarious plans to eliminate cash. Today they’re on the cusp of succeeding.

In any case, currency debasement coupled with a refusal to issue larger bills is rendering cash irrelevant.

For instance, even though the Fed has debased the dollar by over 88% since 1969, it still refuses to issue notes larger than $100. This will only get worse, and the $100 bill will be worth less and less–if it is not banned outright.

Cash is not the solution to de-banking.

Physical gold bullion coins are a partial solution. They will help protect you against currency debasement, but they won’t work well as an alternative to the conveniences of the banking system.

It’s challenging to use physical gold to receive payments from your clients and to pay your bills without the assistance of a counterparty–which could be subject to the same pressures to cancel your account as banks.

What is needed is an alternative to the banking system with no counterparty risk at all…

Think of a traditional bank that you use.

The bank is needed to keep an internal ledger of accounts and balances, including your balance and transaction history.

It would be impossible to keep accurate records without a trusted centralized entity determining what is true for everyone in this situation.

Now imagine an innovation that removes the need for the centralized entity (the bank) to keep an accurate record of all the accounts, balances, and transactions.

Now, that’s a disruptive technology… and that’s exactly what Bitcoin does.

Bitcoin effectively allows everyone to be their own sovereign bank without needing trusted third parties… and is at the same time the most debasement-resistant money the world has ever known.

Bitcoin offers regular people a haven. They can easily use it to hold, send, and receive value without the permission of any third party.

As the de-banking trend accelerates, there’s never been a time when it’s been riskier NOT to own Bitcoin.

In short, I believe more and more people will discover Bitcoin as the best alternative to the rotten banking system.

In that sense, de-banking is, in fact, a giant advertisement for Bitcoin.

Here’s the bottom line.

The banking system has become weaponized, and it’s only a matter of time before your number comes up.

Don’t be complacent, and take action to secure your money before it’s too late.

I suspect the banking system could have big problems soon… and it won’t be pretty for most people.

Few people are aware of what is really happening.

And even fewer know how to prepare.

That’s why I’ve just released an urgent PDF report revealing three ways you can do that. Check it out as soon as possible because it could soon be too late to take action. Click here to get it now.



The post De-Banked: It’s Only A Matter Of Time Before It Happens To You appeared first on Energy News Beat.



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