October 19

The Energy Question With David Blackmon, Episode 10. David interviews Dan Yergin, Vice Chairman of S&P Global


In this episode, David and Dan discuss world events surrounding energy and energy policy, with a focus on the fact that Dan foresaw so much of what is happening today in “The New Map.”

The Energy Question, David interviews S&P Global Vice Chairman Dan Yergin, author of the incredible series of books about oil and energy: “The Prize,” “The Quest,” and his most recent, “The New Map.”

In this episode, David and Dan discuss world events surrounding energy and energy policy, with a focus on the fact that Dan foresaw so much of what is happening today in “The New Map.” Sub-topics include: – the origins of Europe’s energy crisis; – how that crisis is spreading globally; – the impacts of Putin’s war on Ukraine on global energy markets; – Europe’s heavy reliance on U.S. LNG and whether that is wise; – the destruction of the relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia; – how Russia is moving steadily into becoming a client state of China; – the growing power and influence of the BRICS countries; – why a move by the Biden administration to limit U.S. oil and LNG exports would be incredibly damaging. It’s a fast-paced half hour that will leave the viewer wanting more. Enjoy.

Please reach out to Dan Yergin on his LinkedIn Here

Please follow our sponsor Enverus at Enverus.com. 


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A shout out to our fellow travelers with Enverus. 

Fellow Podcast Travlers:

Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN


Profile photo of Mark LaCour

Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN

Paige Wilson, Host of Oil and Gas Industry Leaders and Co-Host of Oil and Gas This Week Podcast.  

OGGN Network


Stuart Turley

Stu Turley, Host of the Energy News Beat Podcast.

Stu’s LinkedIn is HERE

Sandstone Group Production Sponsor. 


Dan Yergin, Enverus

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