August 31

Biden Climate Czar, CCP Official To Have Climate Talks As Chinese Coal Binge Soars



Climate czar John Podesta is set to meet with Chinese Communist Party officials to expand US-China collaboration on climate change.


White House senior adviser John Podesta is set to meet with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials to expand US-China collaboration on climate change, Bloomberg reported Wednesday. [emphasis, links added]

Podesta and China’s special envoy for climate change Liu Zhenmin are slated to meet during the first week of September to discuss reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing funding for climate initiatives in developing nations, according to the outlet.

The talks follow efforts to Trump-proof environmental collaboration efforts between the two nations and come despite China continuing to hike coal production.

Energy officials will use the meeting to continue working on climate initiatives agreed on by the countries in November 2023, such as promoting a transition to renewable energy sources and combatting greenhouse gas emissions beyond carbon dioxide, Bloomberg reported.

The Biden administration’s efforts to strengthen climate ties with China come despite the country’s continued coal binge, with a Wednesday report from Reuters finding China has boosted both domestic coal production and coal imports to record highs.

The two nations previously agreed to reduce methane and nitrogen oxide emissions, both of which are associated with coal.

The discussion between Podesta and Zhenmin also comes amidst efforts from the White House to Trump-proof its climate collaborations with China, with the countries attempting to use non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to sustain their environmental partnerships in case former President Trump wins in November and U.S.-China relations cool, according to Bloomberg.

Read rest at Daily Caller

The post Biden Climate Czar, CCP Official To Have Climate Talks As Chinese Coal Binge Soars appeared first on Energy News Beat.



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