February 12

Daily Energy Standup Episode #306 – Solar Expansion, Oil Deals, LNG Pressure, and Legislative Battles



Daily Standup Top Stories

Biden plan will earmark millions of acres of public land for solar development

On Jan. 17, the Biden administration unveiled a draft analysis of a plan that identifies millions of acres of public land as suitable for utility-scale solar development across 11 Western states — and millions more that […]

India and Russia in talks over long-term oil deals – Bloomberg

New Delhi reportedly wants to secure a steady supply of crude instead of one-off purchases State oil refiners in India are negotiating long-term agreements for supplies of crude with Russian energy giant Rosneft, Bloomberg reported […]

How the Rockefellers and Billionaire Donors Pressured Biden on LNG Exports

Charities controlled by members of the Rockefeller family and billionaire donors were key funders of a successful campaign to pressure President Biden to pause new approvals of liquefied natural gas exports from the U.S. The Rockefellers, along […]

Venezuela Deploys Military to Oil-Rich Guyana’s Border

Venezuela is backing up its threats to annex part of Guyana and secure access to some of the world’s largest oil finds in more than a decade by moving light tanks, missile-equipped patrol boats and armored carriers […]

The industry is preparing its biggest political fight yet in the state.

Colorado legislators are planning a bill to stop oil and gas drilling in the state by 2030, revoking the ability to permit new wells this decade and creating panic in the industry about its future. […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro
01:28 – Biden plan will earmark millions of acres of public land for solar development
06:00 – India and Russia in talks over long-term oil deals – Bloomberg
08:56 – How the Rockefellers and Billionaire Donors Pressured Biden on LNG Exports
11:37 – Venezuela Deploys Military to Oil-Rich Guyana’s Border
16:29 – The industry is preparing its biggest political fight yet in the state.
21:38 – Markets Update
28:17 – Outro

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Michael Tanner: [00:00:13] What’s going on? Everybody, welcome in to the Monday, February 12th, 2024 edition of the Daily Energy News Beat stand up. Here are today’s top headlines. First up, Biden plans will earmark millions of acres for public land or solar development. Next up India and Russia in talks over long term oil deals. Then next up, how the Rockefellers and billionaire donors pressured Biden on LNG exports. Fly across the pond to Venezuela as they deploy military to the border of Guyana, aka the Guyana oil fields. Absolutely crazy story there. And then finally, if we couldn’t get stupider in the greatest state in the world, Colorado legislators push bill to end oil well drilling by 2030. I am not making this up stool. Then toss it over to me. I will quickly cover what happened in the oil and gas markets on Thursday and Friday. We did see rig counts come out. Absolutely hilarious considering where Henrik gas prices are right now. We saw some very interesting moves in rig count. So I will cover all that and a bag of chips guys. But as always, I am Michael Tanner, joined by the executive producer of the show, the purveyor of the show, Stewart Turley. Go ahead and kick us off. [00:01:27][73.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:28] Hey, let’s start with our buddy over there, Biden. Biden will earmark millions of acres of public land for solar development. You know where, Michael? Where did the ESG, where did the environment, social and governance disappear to? Because now it’s okay to wipe out millions of acres for this. Under the new guidance, the BLM, the Bureau of Land Management, not the other BLM, will earmark Bronn pockets of land across the West for potential solar development. 22 million acres is accepting bolt comments. I got one bolt comment from the farmers in a truck in dropping in on their bulk comment. Say this is despicable. [00:02:18][50.6]

Michael Tanner: [00:02:20] Yeah, I think if you see if Miss Producer can come up and throw this picture up, it’s it’s a screenshot of the western half of the United States you can see everywhere highlighted in green is the is is part of that 22 million acres that we’re talking about. You see some of the other color, I mean, you’re basically talking about all of Nevada between what the red and green is, you’re basically talking about the entire western half of Arizona, lots of New Mexico. There’s even some in Colorado, which we’ll get to in a bit. Wyoming is going to have a look. I mean, basically you’re you’re you’re taking off huge swaths of all of these different states. And for how much power generation, you’re not gonna be able to power even the entire West Coast with that. [00:03:02][42.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:02] And it’s the grid take away, Michael. It’s a storage. We’re talking a bow dongle. I mean, this is like a horrific mess that is not properly even thought. [00:03:16][13.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:03:16] And and what I want to know is, and this article doesn’t do a good job of saying this, how did they come to the determination where they’re going to put this? My hope is they’re starting with places where nobody lives anyway, because the worst part is, if you’re now if all of a sudden you’re going to start having to do eminent domain and things of that sort to take away people’s land, to do this, it’s going to get absolutely crazy out there. So I’m hopeful that there were at least going to and this 22 million acres is hopefully either already federally owned or they’re not coming in. And like wiping out people’s, you know, land, but they will. [00:03:50][34.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:51] It doesn’t matter if it’s federally owned or not. Here’s the thing. I have rappelled into the Grand Canyon. I have hiked 30 miles down. I have a hunger for these things. I’m a big outdoor fan. I want to be out there. You throw in what we did, the West Texas, with those $3.5 billion worth of, damage coming across to the Plains. You start putting it in the beautiful mountains out there, the beautiful desert. You’re going to kill animals and wildlife, and you’re going to even do even more. Where’s the Sahara Club? Where is Greenpeace? Where are all these ecological folks that are supposed to be upset about, taking care of Mother Earth? Where are they? This is despicable. [00:04:36][45.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:04:37] Sorry. Yeah. I mean, it’s going to be it’s going to be extremely interesting. And, I mean, I think this last part is hilarious. So they’ve identified 22 million acres, but then what? They’re claiming the BLM in partnership with general, which is a, another Colorado based energy laboratory. I’ve done some good work. They do good work. But this stat absolutely blows my mind. They’re claiming that only 700,000 acres of that 8 to 55 million guidance, where that 22 million is the center of acres is available for solar products will need to be developed the Biden. In target’s administration of meaning, reaching 100% carbon free energy sector by 2030. That. Why would you earmark 50? So the what do they. Why do you need 55 million then? If you only need 700,000 acres for the development of 100% clean electric grid by 2030? Why are you earmarking 22 million? So that tells me one of two things. They just want the land. It’s a massive land grab and a takeover. Or they’re just lying about this study. One of the two has to be right. [00:05:37][59.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:38] Both. [00:05:38][0.0]

Michael Tanner: [00:05:39] Its probably, of course, of its own power. If you read the next sentence, it’s only enough to power 515,000 homes. Oh, sweet. So not even everybody in Dallas. [00:05:49][10.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:52] This is a land grab, is what it is. You identified it correctly. [00:05:55][3.4]

Michael Tanner: [00:05:56] Sometimes a blind mice fried cheese once in a while. What’s next? [00:05:59][2.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:00] Okay. India and Russia in talks over long term oil deals from Bloomberg. Miss producer, if you would fly in the picture of the Russian, standing in there, I guarantee you, if this was a movie. Michael, this looks like Bill Murray. I do not know how we found Bill Murray as a 90 year old Russian, but we found him funny. So when we sit back and take a look. Indian Oil has a contract with Roseanne fit from 2020, was to import 20 million tons of euro grade crude. But it is now extended through 2023, and they’re going to increase it even more. Russia exported an average of 1.7. 1.75 million barrels of crude to India per day. That’s not isn’t that great for them? [00:06:59][59.5]

Michael Tanner: [00:07:00] I mean, it’s a clear sign from the Modi administration out there in India that they are going to, they’re going to get the cheapest energy possible. You know, climate be damned, I guess, you know, but for, for, from I think from, from their perspective, why would exactly why would they not? You know, considering the spread between what Russian crude is trading at versus what the open market is, I mean, we saw oil prices jump about 4 or 5% this week, while Russian crude is still benchmarked somewhere in that $60 range. You know, you know, we know right now that it’s only, that that they’re only importing or their total imports from Russia account for about 30 to 34%. But that’s really what’s crazy is they point out that that’s only up point two percentage points before the start of the Ukraine conflict. So what they’re saying is they’re just they there’s no change in policy, which I think is an interesting point. [00:07:52][52.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:53] I’ll tell you, the other, funny thing is, if you look at, Oil Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said that Russia, currently accounts for 30 to 34% of India’s oil imports. That is a big trading partner now. And they’re trading in rubles away from the U.S. Petro dollar. [00:08:14][20.4]

Michael Tanner: [00:08:14] That’s a good. That’s also a very good point. Is all of this is happening not on the Petro dollar. [00:08:20][5.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:21] And, I want to know and I don’t know if there’s any way to really find this, but you’re going to find out how much of this is going against the OPEC, plus, quota by if you found out which tankers, this was coming in on if it was dirt fleet, it’s not being reported to the OPEC plus production numbers for pricing. So this is all being, in my estimation, or my ballpark. Crayon, on a big your big chief tablet. Was saying this is outside of OPEC plus pricing setting. [00:08:54][33.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:08:55] All right, what’s next? [00:08:56][0.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:56] Let’s go to, how the Rockefellers. I’m not a Rockefeller fan. How the Rockefellers and billionaire donated bone donors. Pressured Biden on LNG exports. This is really despicable. Let me read you just a couple things in here. Biden last month effectively froze the approval process for new LNG terminals, while his administration take stock of the country’s newfound status as the world’s largest LNG exporter. Here’s a quote they got our attention. A senior Biden administration official said about the activist efforts, describing their campaign as intense. They got their attention. Yeah. They wrote another damn check. Would we get lobbyists out of our political stuff? This is absolutely despicable. Yeah. Exxon Mobil, a successor to Standard Oil, the fossil fuel monopoly founded by the Rockefellers. There’s a little bit of a tie in there. Anyway, I mean, this article goes into these from the Wall Street Journal and it goes into, a lot more about Bezos. It goes into a lot. More about who was actually yanking on, the Biden administration. We know it’s not Biden that they’re yanking. [00:10:15][78.5]

Michael Tanner: [00:10:15] But, I mean, this just I mean, every everything in the United States comes down to lobbying. Who’s got the money, who’s funneling it where? I mean, for years we’ve known that Greenpeace was funded by Russian oil. Why? Because they want to shut down U.S. oil and gas to raise the price of their oil. I mean, it’s it’s not hard to find this out. Now, why some of this, you know, why does someone like Michael Bloomberg and Bill gates and the Rockefellers, which is interesting, as you pointed out, their legacy being considering they started oil and gas in the United States. But come now, a hundred years later, who are they all in bed with? They all have investments in green energy. They all have investments in different climate. Michael Bloomberg doesn’t care one way or the other how his electricity is getting generated. He doesn’t even know what what he’s into is. He’s into green energy. He’s got investments in green. I’m sure he does. And I’m just. So why are they in on that? Won’t. Because it’s going to make them more money in the long run. [00:11:06][51.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:07] I disagree, I think if you looked at under his, investments, I think you’d also see just like Warren Buffett, they’re investing heavily into oil and gas. Blackrock is now investing in the oil and gas. [00:11:20][12.8]

Michael Tanner: [00:11:20] So they’re probably in everything. But they also could be. But remember oil and gas isn’t accountable to them. They want they want the new energy regime to be accountable to them. So if it becomes clean energy, guess who they’re accountable to? Not the old. The new. Cool. What’s next? [00:11:36][15.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:37] Yep. Let’s head over to the next one. Venezuela. And this one is really concerning. Venezuela deploys military to oil rich Guiana border. This one is not being talked about in this producer. If you could, bring up the map, if you take a look at, Venezuela and little tiny Guyana is right, park right on next to it. And then you have the state of Barak, right outside of that with Exxon and Chevron, are out in there. Michael, this is really disheartening that the why would a dictator want to roll over and start a war? Oh, because he can. Well, because there’s new found oil. Oh, because his oil fields are so, out of shape that he’s now going to step in and go, hey, these are some beautiful new rigs. Those are mine. [00:12:35][58.6]

Michael Tanner: [00:12:36] Yeah. I mean, to give a quick history lesson, these the reason why these, the military from Venezuela has parked itself basically on the border of going on is mainly because these are theoretically territorial waters that have long been claimed by Venezuela, but they haven’t cared enough about until oil was found to go get. So that’s sort of the the tug in the pole, obviously. You know, obviously it’s a complete ruse. What stew said is exactly correct. The reason why what’s going on here is they want access to the revenues. They’re going to come out of all of this drilling because their, oil facilities are extremely deteriorated and it would take huge amounts of capital investment, which the communist regime doesn’t have, because they’re they’re too busy starving their own people. To put. [00:13:25][49.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:13:26] This on here, Chevron and China’s, CNOOC off the coast of Guyana, where production has soared 645,000 barrels of crude a day, is not far from what Venezuela produces. So, there’s a numbers here. Exxon also says, quote unquote, we’re not going anywhere. Our focus remains on developing the resources efficiently and responsibly, per our agreement with the Guyanese, government spokeswoman Michelle Gray said in a statement. Now, what does she mean, we’re not going anywhere? Do they think that, you know, if you’re Venezuelan, you take over, Guyana. Are you going to throw Exxon or Chevron who’s operating it out? No. Is Exxon or Chevron still going to be running it? Yes. Who’s the victim? I mean, who’s going to get mauled and thrown over with the bathwater? Going to be a guy in Guyanese shoes. They get taken over. [00:14:23][56.9]

Michael Tanner: [00:14:23] And you wonder and and I mean, clearly whoever’s providing the insurance for this project is clearly he’s got to be charged. My I read somewhere that insurance rates to get equipment out to Guyana have skyrocketed recently. So you have to remember there’s that whole, you know, if they can’t if they can’t have an active insurance policy, you’re going to have a hard time finding vendors. I mean, that’s really where, you know, if if we want to look under the hood here, you know, we could talk about how the insurance industry is on the is on the precipice of understanding trends because it’s literally their job to insure businesses. So if you want to look at what businesses are working and what businesses are, go look at the businesses that insure them. And so it’s going to be super interesting to see how this all plays out because. Sure Exxon may be able to continue producing, but if there’s escalating tensions. How expensive is it going to be? [00:15:15][52.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:15:16] Oh, I’ll tell you. It my outstanding point. And it’s just like why EVs may fail. It’s not because of the amount of money that’s being thrown at the EVs. It’s the insurance. It’s the insurance that is now coming up and killing the EVs. It’s not going to be the politician saying we’re going to go that way. It’s going to be the insurance companies. It’s going to be the tankers, the you know, how do they enforce, sanctions? They they sanctioned the insurance companies is how they got to those tankers. [00:15:48][31.9]

Michael Tanner: [00:15:49] I mean, how expensive is it going to be to continue to get crude out of Guyana, considering that you have to find an insurance policy to cover the tanker to come pick it up? And if you’ve got 3000, yeah. You know, guards at the border ready to shoot, who knows? Now, I think in reality, this is a bluff. But what is nervous is what does the United States decide to do? [00:16:09][20.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:10] You know, my honest opinion. [00:16:11][1.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:16:12] Unfortunately, I do. But I also think it’s going to scare us. But, yes, I want to hear it. [00:16:16][3.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:16] Again because somebody that I know. [00:16:18][2.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:16:19] Great. You don’t know? [00:16:20][0.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:21] Didn’t know what? I’m sorry. I was my, President Biden in imitation. [00:16:24][3.8]

Michael Tanner: [00:16:26] Got it, got it. What’s next? [00:16:28][1.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:29] Let’s go to Colorado before I lose my mind. Oh, that’s been done before. Okay. Let’s go here. It’s going to Colorado. Colorado legislators push bill to end oil well drilling. By 2030. The industry is preparing for its biggest political fight yet in the state. Michael, I don’t know how to even start with this one. I love Colorado, both my kids were born there. Absolutely love the state. Everybody fleeing from Colorado, from California, had destroyed the sanity in that state. Let’s go through some of this. You and I, we’re able to help PDC really, get their first, Wells drill with, some of your outstanding. [00:17:19][49.4]

Michael Tanner: [00:17:19] Thoughts post SB 181. Not we were we be have been continuing to become more frosty to oil and gas. I mean and basically what they’ve done now is they’ve gone ahead and they’ve, you know, submitted articles to, to to be put on the ballot to stop oil and gas drilling by 2030. Basically, they’re going to be revoking the and they’re going to do this by revoking the ability to permit new wells. This draft language, according to Denver Business Journal, has been discussed with both leaders on the environmental side and, within the state legislature. And we expect to see a bill submitted within the next month or so. According to the draft of the bill that was seen by the Denver Business Journal, it would basically tell the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission, that state agency that regulates oil, and well production used to be their CEO. JK they’ve now shifted it up a little bit because they got to throw in carbon management absolutely crazy. They’re basically going to tell them to stop issuing new permits, for wells by January 1st, 2030. That basically. So it’s a little bit of a cat and mouse game. You would still be able to permit wells in that six year time frame, but you would have to drill them by 2033 or risk that permit expiring. So are they shutting it down completely? No. So what this really is, is absolutely is just a, I carrot stick for, for all of the environmentalists out there that are that are again, giving their money, you look at where the money’s coming from, what’s as you said, everybody from California has come in and just ruined what used to be the greatest state in America, in my opinion. I’m, so, I, I, you know. Yeah, absolutely. [00:19:03][103.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:19:04] Yeah. Now, here’s the thing. There’s 48,000 active wells in 57, 50,000 inactive plug wells. The wells are on track to produce 165 million barrels of oil and much larger amounts of natural gas. If the citizens of Colorado would like to be turned into New York or California, vote for this. If you want your kilowatt per hour to go to 2 or 3 times. If you want to pay $4,000 a month for your electric bill, knock yourself out. When you move to Texas, leave your voting there in Colorado like the, locust destroying fields and then moving on. [00:19:58][54.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:19:59] Yeah. And I mean, it’s Colorado is sneakily the fourth largest crude oil producer in the United States. You wouldn’t guess that, really. You know, you’ve got your Texas, your Oklahoma’s, your New Mexico. Your blah blah blah. They’re above Oklahoma. We produce more. You know you talk about it goes Texas, North Dakota, New Mexico. [00:20:16][16.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:20:16] Colorado. Not for long. I could be doing it for. [00:20:19][2.4]

Michael Tanner: [00:20:19] Long, but. [00:20:19][0.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:20:20] No, it could be doing a lot more. And the sad part is the oil and gas companies in Colorado are outstanding eco friendly folks. They love the mountains just as much as everybody else. And it’s about physics and they just don’t want to hear it. Yeah. Anyway, this story just makes me sad. I’m going to go curl up in the corner. [00:20:43][23.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:20:44] All right, well, we’ll jump over to finance. But before we do that will quickly pay the bills here guys. As always this news and analysis that you just heard is brought to you by the world’s greatest website, Energy News. Beat the best place for all your energy and oil and gas news. Doing the team do a tremendous job making sure that website stays up to speed with everything you need to know to be at the tip of the spear when it comes to the energy business. Check us out in the description below. If you’re listening to this on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, you can hit the description below. See all the links to the, links to the articles timestamps so you can jump around. Go listen to a segment again, and you’ll also be able to check out Dashboard.Energynewsbeat.com, which is our data energy news comm. We’ll get that while you still can. That’s Guinness can be eventually here behind a subscription wall and you’re gonna be paying for it. So get it free while you still can. You can email the show [email protected]. [00:21:35][50.8]

Michael Tanner: [00:21:38] But as we go in the finance guys markets on Friday did okay S&P 500 about half a percentage point Nasdaq up one point Centage. percentage point is mainly we’re seeing a lot of tech industry tech companies release positive earnings which you know for for considering the recession we’ve sort of been in for the past two years. And that’s really what’s keeping the Nasdaq above water here. We did see, Bitcoin rise above $48,000. Currently sitting 48,143. Crude oil closes at 7684 on Friday. That was up 0.8 percentage points, mainly off the back of mainly finishing off what was a a pretty strong week for prices. You know, that’s about 6% on a week over week basis. And and mainly the reason for that is begin. You know we did see on on on on late Wednesday, early Thursday morning, Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister in Israel, rejected a Hamas cease fire proposal. And as long as that conflict continues to rage, we’re going to start seeing these big swings in gas prices. You know, I like this. There’s this quote from Jim Ritter, Bush, he’s the the president over at Ritter, Bush and Associates. He says, we believe that this is this type of week to week wide price swings will further characterize the crude markets for the rest of the month. Of of short of major bullish headlines out of the Mideast could force adjustments in global oil balances. That’s a fancy way of saying we’re probably going to be bouncing between 70 and $80 outside of, you know, some crazy macro event that we can’t quite think about, you know, from a natural gas side, do we just continued to see gas prices fall. We’re sitting at $1.86, you know, and that’s mainly just due to the fact that stocks continue to be high. The weather, you know, specifically from a forecast, we look to have a kind of a milder winter right now. And so it’s just continue to drive gas prices down. And I find it hilarious, though, because when you look at the rig count that we, came on Friday, we actually saw from a top line and let me go ahead and just pull up the top line. I’ve got the breakdown here, but from a top line, we saw rigs increased by four, week over week to 623. But the key is you got to dive into these numbers a little bit, Stu. Okay, so we increase four rigs that make sense. Oil prices are up. You know, we’d expect to maybe see some some rigs begin to come online. You dive into the big numbers here. Holy smokes. Do they break out? What what what, what our friends over at Baker Hughes does is they break it out by oil, gas, horizontal, directional, vertical. Because when you release a permit, you have to pick your target. Where are you drilling? And and so what you’re talking about the four new rigs that were added all in gas plays. Absolutely unbelievable. We’re now seeing gas below $2, which I hate to break it everybody, when gas goes below $2, there isn’t an economical gas well out there to drill. They don’t exist. So when you now seen four rigs out on the gas side, it’s absolutely hilarious. Whoever approved those, whoever, whoever sign those rig contracts is kicking themselves right now. They better hope they see a bump in prices here soon. [00:24:41][182.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:24:42] There might be a little bit of that. I just talked to, Andrew Dettmer, who’s a, very cool cat from embarrass, Friday on a podcast, and he said that invariance is calling for, for dollar, gas coming up before too long. And I love the folks over there and embarrassed. And so, you know, it may be that they have some information on that coming around the corner because. [00:25:07][25.5]

Michael Tanner: [00:25:07] For what did he say? What what was his. Reasoning. I mean, I don’t we don’t need to spoil the bodies, but what was his reasoning? Because I vehemently disagree with that. [00:25:13][6.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:25:15] You know, I don’t remember. I’m exhausted, for getting home from 32 bodies. [00:25:20][4.5]

Michael Tanner: [00:25:21] So we’ll be I’ll be interested to hear what his thesis is, because in my opinion, we’re still we’re still we’re still trending above the five year, the five year, five week rolling or five year rolling average for, natural gas stocks. We seem to be having a more milder winter. I mean, the macro events specifically on natural gas, especially with this and a lot of the reasons why, we’ve seen prices fall, is this LNG ban? I mean, this is going to keep a lot of natural gas here, which ironically, in the short term for us as a, as an electrical consumer, probably. Good. That’s the funny part about the banning the LNG exports. I think it’s a horrendous decision. The free market should decide and there’s enough LNG in this country to go around, but if we follow through with that, gas will be $0.55 an MCF. Think about it. If you can’t move it anywhere, of course we’re going to see prices go down. So I’ll be interested to hear when Denmark comes out and talks about why they believe $4 natural gas. Because you had $4 natural gas, you’ll be able to make some money, but not at $1.80. They ain’t no economic projects. $2.80. [00:26:22][61.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:26:23] No, I just got to give a shout out to embarrass. I really enjoy, every one of those folks out there. They got good people. [00:26:29][6.0]

Michael Tanner: [00:26:30] Absolutely. Well, speaking of tired, Stu, you are exhausted. We’re putting the finishing touches on, on on a great week at 32 different interviews. [00:26:39][8.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:26:40] It was not did. And, the staff is just rolling through them as fast as they can. I gotta give a shout out to Art Trevino and David Blackman and also Brian Stubbs, from Air Compressor Solutions and also, Keith Stelter, out there, from American Safety. He helped, like you would not believe. I love that man. And I get a picture of me in art holding up the wall. And, here’s Keith pulling all the tables out. [00:27:13][33.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:27:14] You know, we really appreciate everybody who came by the booth and helped out. It was, it was. [00:27:19][4.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:27:19] A big success. [00:27:19][0.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:27:20] It was a big success. Yeah. We’re going to be rolling through that. We’ll be releasing all that content over the next two weeks. Some of them are going to hit the podcast. Some of them will be YouTube, but we’ll have a mix in here. Check it all out. What should people be b b be watching for this week’s do? [00:27:35][15.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:27:36] Well, I just rolled out one, this morning, and, it was actually pretty cool. It was a lot of fun with, let’s take a look here. The ones I just rolled out was, let’s see here. It was showing down again. And, he is with Sal. Say sustainalytics. Hey, if you’re going to send good swag. [00:27:57][21.6]

Michael Tanner: [00:27:59] I’ll even get you on the show. [00:27:59][0.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:28:00] Yeah, man. Gotta love it. He was one cool cat. He has Duke Energy and BP and all these others. They measure methane gas leaks. And, it is a podcast you don’t want to miss. [00:28:14][13.6]

Michael Tanner: [00:28:14] No, absolutely. We love satellite. We love everybody who’s, come on the podcast. We appreciate it, guys. But with that, we’re going to go ahead and let you guys get out of here and start your day Monday. Guys, take a deep breath. You probably have a few meetings that you’re going to annoy, but you can make it. You can get yourself through it. It will almost be Monday here or Monday will be over. And we will be back with you on Tuesday. For Stuart Turley, I’m Michael Tanner. We’ll see you tomorrow, folks. [00:28:14][0.0][1633.4]

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