December 4

MORGAN: Record-breaking gathering of hypocrites in Dubai for COP 28


Nothing exposes the fake nature of world environmentalists better than the annual pilgrimage of supposed defenders of the Earth to UN climate conferences. This year’s conference (COP 28) is kicking off in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and a record-breaking 70,000 delegates are flying there to live in opulence for two weeks to discuss better ways of telling the rest of us to tighten our belts.

I didn’t make an error in the numbers there, though it may look that way. No fewer than 70,000 people will get on emission-belching jets to cross the world to stay for days in five-star resorts where gas powered air conditioning will ensure they remain in perfect comfort as they navel gaze and attend seminars.

The UAE is an oil-rich desert nation so while high emission energy is readily available, fresh food goods must be imported.

There will be hundreds more flights to UAE to ensure the delegates are greeted with fresh fruit for breakfast and only the highest quality of salad greens are delivered with the evening room service. To ensure those greens remain fresh along with the assortment of high-end meat products, thousands of coolers will burn millions of litres of fossil fuels to preserve these fine foods from the local desert heat.

Thousands of servants will be required to ensure this gathering of environmental royalty is properly cared for while they ponder on how to save the world.

Chauffeurs, maids, chefs, dishwashers and security are labour intensive. Have no fear though. The UAE has developed a fantastically effective system of importing cheap labour from developing nations and deporting them when they are finished with the services.

Sure, the UAE has been criticized for this use of borderline slavery by most of the human rights groups on the planet but hey, what’s a little labour abuse when it’s for something as important as pampering international environmentalists?

Speaking of human rights, the UAE is outstanding. They hold no elections and the government has been known to be just as happy to detain and torture its own citizens as it is with foreign nationals.

Flogging and stoning are legal punishments in the UAE courts, which are guided by a medieval form of Sharia law. Have no fear though, the environmental crusaders descending on the UAE for their conference will be shielded from having to see such things. If their chambermaid is flogged for showing her hair, she will be transferred into the basement to work in laundry services so the guests don’t have to see her twitching in agony as she labours.

The usual suspects are flying out to attend COP 28. Notable scold and intellectual luminary Greta Thunberg will be in attendance while Canada’s Green Jesus Steven Guilbeault will doubtless be blowing kisses in her direction. Thunberg’s latest anti-Israel rantings have surely helped her rise in the UAE food chain and her every need will be attended to while she makes the rounds at the conference.

Thousands of unknown bureaucrats, activists, politicians and other self-important souls will pack the halls, bars, pool sides and hotels of the UAE for the conference too.

This is their annual reward for toiling so hard in saving the world from itself. This is how your taxes paid and your donations to environmental groups get spent. These conferences are never held in cold, undeveloped nations of course. They ensure to hold them in places with nice climates where an abundance of five-star hotels are available.

What is possibly being achieved at these conferences that can’t be done through streaming meetings?

Why is it so critical to have 70,000 people gathered in one spot for a week?

Let’s get to the point.

These environmental conferences have nothing to do with the environment. They are just excuses for thousands of hypocrites to burn millions of litres of fossil fuels on a paid vacation. It’s one big party modeled for shoulder-rubbing and fine dining. Actual environmental policy development never happens at these things. How could it be effectively done among tens of thousands of delegates?

These hypocrites will then fly home from their luxurious weeks of conspicuous consumption and dedicate their time to telling the rest of us that we are being selfish in wanting to live affordably in comfort using fossil fuels.

They will lobby for increasing carbon taxes while shutting down profitable, efficient, conventional energy industries. They will put you out of work, while they demand and receive increases in their already large incomes. They will call you selfish for daring to drive a used, four-cylinder car instead of driving a $90,000 electric vehicle.

They will tell you to wear a sweater when the power fails due to an overloaded electric grid after banning natural gas heat and chide you for wanting to take a vacation in Mexico when you could camp out in your back yard.

These lectures will come from the comfort of their gated communities when they aren’t overseas at an event.

The delegates at COP 28 will consume more resources in a week than the combined citizens of some small countries.

And until we start calling them out and firing the governments that employ them, they will keep getting away with it.

If we keep swallowing the lies from the environmental left and ignoring the double standards they flaunt in front of us, we deserve the energy and financial poverty that comes with it.


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