November 8

Exclusive: Rep. Josh Brecheen Proposes to Scrap John Kerry’s Climate Job


Rep. Josh Brecheen (R-OK) proposed a bill that would eliminate John Kerry’s position as the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.Brecheen unveiled the Stop Climate Hysteria in Diplomacy Act, a bill aimed at combatting climate hysteria within the State Department.

“President Biden has used the excuse that climate change is an existential threat to create additional bureaucracy inside the State Department. The Climate Change Support Office is nothing more than a pet project for John Kerry to integrate climate change into all aspects of American foreign policy decisions,” Brecheen told Breitbart News in a written statement.

“With this bill, Congress can eliminate a useless office and prevent the United States from prioritizing radical climate policy over our national security.”

Biden signed Executive Order 14027, which created the Climate Change Support Office at the State Department, which supports the Presidential Envoy for Climate, Kerry.

The climate envoy backs diplomatic engagements on climate change and works to integrate Biden’s anti-climate change to all parts of Biden’s foreign policy.

The bill would nullify the Biden executive order, simply stating in the text, “Executive Order 14027 (86 Fed. Reg. 25947; relat- ing to establishment of the climate change support office) shall have no force or effect.”

Reps. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) and Eric Burlison (R-MO) cosponsored the bill.

Kerry in early October congratulated Pope Francis for a new letter on the alleged climate crisis in which the pope called out America for its high per capita carbon emissions.

In September, Kerry claimed that climate activist “militancy” will grow if America does not act.

In mid-July, Kerry concluded his three-day trip to China, which resulted in no agreement with China, the world’s largest producer of greenhouse gases, was a failure.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping humiliated Kerry by holding a two-day climate conference without inviting the American climate envoy.


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