September 27

‘Missing’ Biden Whistleblower (Who Garland Indicted) Offers Dirt On FBI ‘Mole’ Who Tipped Off Hunter


‘Missing’ Israeli whistleblower Gal Luft, who was indicted by the Biden administration for failing to register under the Foreign Agents Act (FARA), has offered new evidence to the House impeachment inquiry about an FBI mole who tipped off Hunter Biden that his Chinese partners were about to be indicted, according to the NY Posts Miranda Devine.

Luft was also charged with conspiracy to illegally sell weapons to Chinese individuals and companies, as well as aerial bombs and rockets to the UAE, Chinese weapons to Kenya, and Iranian oil to other countries in violation of sanctions.

He was initially arrested Feb. 17 in Cyprus, but fled after being released on bail. He faces up to 100 years in prison if convicted.

The Israeli professor and former Israel Defense Forces officer has been on the run for six months after skipping bail in Cyprus, where he was awaiting extradition to the United States on gun-running and foreign lobbying charges, also brought by the SDNY.

In an open letter to Reps James Comer (R-Ky.), Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jason Smith (R-Mo.), the three House committee chairmen running the impeachment inquiry, Luft claims that the tipoff to Chinese executives of CEFC came on the same day that the first son wrote a WhatsApp message shaking down another CEFC employee for millions of dollars over a “highly confidential and time sensitive” matter while claiming his father was in the room with him.

“I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter wrote in a July 30, 2017 message to CEFC employee Raymond Zhao, which was presented to Congress during June testimony by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.

“I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

That night, after Hunter’s threatening message, CEFC executive Partrick Ho received an urgent call from CEFC president Chan Chauto, who told him to leave the United States immediately, according to Luft, who frequently spoke with Ho.

Ho flew to Hong Kong the next day.

In a follow-up WhatsApp, Zhao told Hunter that “CEFC is willing to cooperate with the family. He thinks now the priority is to solve the problem mentioned last night.”

According to Luft, the “problem” and the “highly confidential and time sensitive” matter was the secret indictments from the SDNY which Hunter was tipped off about.

Nine days after Hunter’s WhatsApp shakedown, CEFC wired $5.1 million to entities in the US to transfer to Hunter.

Luft – who flew to Hong Kong to deal with Ho on Aug. 14, 2017 (two weeks after Ho fled), says the Chinese nickname for the FBI mole was “One-Eye.”

“The existence of a potential mole within the FBI and/or Justice Department who conveyed to Chinese individuals information about sealed indictments has, apparently, to this day never been solved,” Luft wrote to Comer, adding “Perhaps Congress should investigate the issue as part of its impeachment inquiry.”

The tipoff to CEFC executives came at a crucial stage in their negotiations to buy into Russian state-owned energy company Rosneft and came just 10 days before a curious meeting between a CEFC employee in Albania and disgraced G-man Charles McGonigal, then counterintelligence boss at the FBI’s New York Field Office, which had been surveilling Ho and his associates. McGonigal pleaded guilty Friday to concealing at least $225,000 in cash payments from a former Albanian intelligence official.

On Sept. 8, 2017, CEFC announced its plans to acquire a $9.1 billion stake in Rosneft.

On Sept. 9, 2017, McGonigal met Dorian Ducka, a CEFC employee and Hunter Biden associate, in Albania, according to his indictment. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama also was at the meeting. At Ducka’s request, McGonigal urged Rama to be careful about awarding oil field drilling licenses in Albania to Russian front companies.

On Sept. 10, 2017, Hunter signed an attorney engagement letter to represent CEFC’s Ho for a $1 million retainer. -NY Post

Luft also says that sometime around September 2017, Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden flew to Hong Kong to meet with Ho, who they asked to buy them two “burner” phones. They told him that the coast was clear to return to the US, however upon his arrival at JFK Airport on Nov. 17, 2017, Ho was arrested by the Trump DOJ on charges of bribery and money laundering.

Ho’s first call? Jim Biden, looking for Hunter.

Hunter reached out to lawyer Edward Kim, who asked Hunter in an email the afternoon of Ho’s arrest to “find the names of the FBI agents you spoke with, that would be helpful.”

“Working on it,” Hunter replied.

FBI Agent testifies

And in yet another breadcrumb of corruption, an FBI supervisor has corroborated key aspects of testimony by two IRS whistleblowers, who say that federal prosecutors slow-walked Hunter’s criminal probe, and refused to bring tax charges in LA and Washington DC, according to a transcript of an interview reviewed by Just the News.

The female FBI supervisor, whose name the Justice Department asked be kept private in the transcript, was interviewed recently by the House Judiciary Committee, and she chronicled her interactions with IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler and Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, the lead prosecutor in the Hunter Biden probe.

While the agent said she had different recollections than her IRS colleagues about certain aspects of the case and did not believe politics caused any delays, she confirmed there were instances in which prosecutors slowed the investigation.

Specifically, she confirmed agents were concerned that the DOJ tried to use the 2022 midterm elections to delay action in the Hunter Biden case even though his father was not up for election last year.

“I know that that had come up,” said the agent, who worked in the Baltimore office which supervised cases in Delaware.

“Delays related to the election?” she was asked.

“Yes, I noted that had come up,” she replied.

Read the rest here…


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